Okay, all CON.TXT attendees and DC-area SV, SPN, WBrps fans!
This Thursday there will be a dinner, and you are all invited.
It'll be at
The Tastee Diner in Silver Spring, MD. The diner's even been in
comics! It's open 24 hours a day, is right near the CON.TXT hotel and the Silver Spring metro station, as well as various bus stops and parking spaces, serves a wide variety of food, serves alcohol, and probably won't mind us being noisily convivial. The address is 8601 Cameron Street, here's
a map. The diner is on Cameron by Georgia Avenue, the hotel is on Georgia at Spring Street, and the metro is on Colesville Road just off Georgia. So you can see how close they all are.
I figure we'll start gathering at the hotel between 5:30 and 6 pm, in the front lobby and/or by the CON.TXT registration tables (I'm not quite sure how the lobby area is set up and so on), and then we'll get over to the diner about 6. Those of you who aren't part of the con can meet us there. At least some of us will be there for rather a while, so if you don't show up until 7 or 8 or 9, that's fine, there will still be people to hang out with. You can come and go as you need.
Hope to see you there, and it will be great fun!