my bothers right now.

Jul 31, 2006 16:50

ok thiiis....this is my...concern for this moment.
as many of you know, i got in a wreck on june 22nd. la de da details ask me if you wanna...
i got a rental car about a week or so after that. got a call from the Mazda body shop collision place or whatever 2 or so weeks later saying that the ABSOLUTE latest day my car will be ready will be the 18th. so yay, right? wrong. the 19th comes along and im going out of town. i call up the shop and im all "hey im going out of it ready? or going to be ready soon becasue if its ready while im out of town thats bad and ill be having to pay the full regular price for the rental because insurance wont pay for the rental if my car is ready". they say that it will be ready in a week or a week and a half latest and sorry for the inconvenience. im like "ok cool" and go on my merry way. its been a week and a half and my dad gets a call"it will be ready within 2days-2 weeks" so were all like "what the hell, mate?"
the worst part is....the insurance company stops paying for my rental tomorrow...and i have to have it in by 6pm.
*le sigh*
so thats my worry. my annoyance. i normally dont post just to post....if anything its either spatz of anger or just random quizzes/surveys.
but yeah.
friggin...mazda people. dads gonna get after 'em. heh heh...
lesson learned: dont get in a wreck by drifting around an entrance ramp turn/circle/clover leaf thingie and end up on the steep incline leaving everybody to wonder how in the hell you (aka your car with you inside) didnt roll/flip. especially so close to going to college.
19 days.
i drove past my crash site the other day. holy freckin crap...i guess i didnt realize how steep of an incline i was sitting on...i was scared just LOOKING at it!
but on a different note. well not really...
im in a very...weird mood right now. im happy and i want to laugh but i want to cry and jsut let it all loose. im weary of things im sick of people but i embrace them and every time i see them i give them "last looks" because ive realized that soooo many peopel i see each week....those times are quite possible the last time i will ever lay eyes on them. and then they will be embedded in my past.. forever.
i guess im just...i dont know...someoen i know is leaving tomorrow for the army. for good. i guess it doesnt really matter right now thought because well...hes not talking to me anymore. because hes decided to be...very immature about something. but thats beside the point. i have a difficult time letting people good. or saying goodbye knowing full well that im never goign to see them again or even hear  from them again.
but i guess that already happened seeing as how hes vowed never to speak to me ever again. what the hell am i saying hes not even a great guy. hes nothing to look up to because of what he does and has done. cleptomaniac. and more. wanted to be there. guess i really just feel horrible guilty when i say that it doesnt matter anymore. because i said it would always matter.
i should watch my words.
good thing i didnt promise.
but i did give it away. the second time. she was right. she was right. she was right.
more things to escape when i leave. i guess i really am the one to blame and that got myself all drug into this. people spreading rumors. i AM the one to blame. ive made that kind of name for myself. but then again THEY are the ones who are believeing that i slept with one of my managers. what bullshit. apparently that rumor hasnt gone around to as many people as i had imagined. thank goodness.
life is about to change soon. im over thigns that hare happening here. im over all of his lies. his 5's on all of his AP tests. his "job" at lowes. no one believes him anymore. except those who listen and are naiive. said i was showing off.
in 19 days. my whole life is going to be turnign around anyways. i dont know if it will be like anythign ive imagined it being like, but i can sure hope. but i know there are so many factors that i ant even begin to factor in. in fact i know that YOU  will probably be reading this a few months from now. or even a couple of weeks. damn. things are about to change. for the good. im tired of all the people who make such big deals of little thigns and get mad and storm off. im tired of the high school petty drama. im tired of "he said she said". im tired of the rumors. im tired of the lies. im tired of the disappointment. im tired of ...this.
im starting over in 19 days. and i thoroughly. cant. wait.
i should really stop letting people in so easily. i have just referred to at least 3 different people (all of which are guys) that i have trusted with a very deep trust.i give in too easily. in two ways. one i will discuss, the other very few know about.
im done. i had to get it out.
im really not all of what it seems. at all. i used to be. used to be miss drama queen. and i learned. i learned. and i hated havign that name.

and i realize that if i say that "thigns dont bother me like they used to" it would pretty much be an oxy moron for this post...but they really dont.
recently, al lthe drama has come from GUYS being too dramatic. remember the days where it was al lthe GIRLS causing the drama? what happened to that?

your hugs do miracles.
and i want to write.
but i havent dont so in many months.
NO. im ending on a happy note!  im meeting so many new people in 19 days that i cant even comprehend it!!!!! and i get to FINALLY meet the people that ive been talking to online/texting/on the fone (i facebooked people that were majoring in meteorology or had the same classes and yay)!!!! and im really excited! and also re-hang out with those that i met at orientation!
Brendan, Ben#1, BenWenZ, James, Andy, Christina, Cristina, Mikki, Natalie, Sam, Shannae, Kyra, BryanP, and Lauren.....and YOU......
HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!
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