...The Return by Ellis Ward
at Circuit Archive-
at the Hatstand And we're off! There are two links to the story above, so choose one and do read it sometime this week if you can. I'll make a post sometime on Friday (I hope) and we can have a good old chat about it in the comments over the weekend. The perfect thing for September, when the nights are drawing in in lads' land (okay, I know they're spreading out elsewhere... *g*) - cosying up with Bodie and Doyle and lj-mates!
Reading Room Schedule
Week 1 - weekend of Friday 13th September -
The Return by Ellis Ward
Week 2 - weekend of Friday 20th September -
A Widening Gyre by Rebelcat - hosted by
firlefanzineWeek 3 - weekend of Friday 27th September -
Transport Cafe by Elizabeth Holden (Fajrdrako) - hosted by
paris7amWeek 4 - weekend of Friday 4th October -
Endgame by Tarot
Week 5 - weekend of Friday 11th October -
Uriah by Verlaine
Week 6 - weekend of Friday 18th October -
Week 7 - weekend of Friday 25th October -