Our Prosfic Advent Calendar
poll the other day was fairly evenly split between those who liked traditional recs, and those who fancied the idea of Christmas Prosfic Rec Guessing. A couple of people suggested that reccers should just choose for themselves which they wanted to do - and that, perhaps, is the compromise that will keep both sides of the poll happy. *g*
Volunteers this year can therefore choose to post either:
a) a traditional Prosfic rec, which can be long or short. The stories can be long or short too, it doesn't matter - if you've got a favourite snowy-Christmas drabble, then it can be recced in the calendar, on the day that you choose. At the very least all we need is a link to the story (or to where it can be found), and a heading for your post. Alternatively, you can post anything you like to accompany the story recommendation - thoughts about the story, an invitation to discussion, pictures, music, the drink you'd best recommend to accompany the read... *g*
b) a Guess the Seasonal Prosfic post. This would consist of posting clues to the title/author/story of your chosen Prosfic, and opening the comments to guesses. Clues can take any form you wish - feel free to get creative! At some point, either when someone guesses the story correctly, and preferably by the end of the day (but not necessarily if you're pushed for time) you should edit your post to add at the end the title, author and a link to the story, and perhaps the names of people who guessed correctly. There are no prizes (well, unless any specific reccer is feeling generous!) but the fame and glory of knowing our gorgeous Prosfic will hopefully be reward itself. *g* Reccers could also - if you're happy about doing it - screen comments to your entry, so that no one sees previous guesses, and then unscreen them later when you announce the correct answerers, but you don't have to do that if you don't want to. (Screening is found in the drop-down lists of options under the posting window - just change from "default" to "all" to screen a post, and when you edit your post, change back to "default"). And of course the title, author, link and clues - and any more information you might want to add to your edited reveal - are just another Prosfic rec for people to read.
So - if you'd like to take part by reccing a Christmas-y/seasonal Pros story (or two, or three, or...), then please comment below to let me know what date/s you'd like (and what fic, if you know yet, or whether you'd like to try posting a Guess-the-Fic rec) and I will add you to the list! Then all you need to do is post about the story here at
ci5hq on the day that you've chosen - as much or as little as you like, as simple or as creative as you like.
The only rules are that the story you choose should be Christmas/December seasonal in some way, that it should be Pros fic (of course!), and that you should post between midnights, lads' time (GMT), on your day of posting (to avoid odd clashes of dates over our various timelines).
If you know the name of the fic you'd like to rec, then I'll put it up under a spoiler-cut-thingie, and if you don't know yet then just let me know when you do. And if you don't know until the day you post, then that's fine too!
Are you ready...? *g*
The Pros Advent Story Calendar
1st December -
macklingirl -
Snowjoke by Zoe
2nd December -
hagsrus -
Christmas by Fanny Adams
3rd December -
hagsrus -
Give Someone You Love a Christmas Goose by Fanny Adams
4th December -
byslantedlight - Guess the Story! - A Gnome from 'ome" by Una N. Darcy
5th December -
firlefanzine -
Silent Night by Cambria Q Collins
6th December -
dawnebeth -
Like a Thunderstorm by Callisto
7th December -
byslantedlight -
Join the Queue by Lizzie
8th December -
krisserci5 -
Answered Prayers by Elessar
9th December -
byslantedlight -
A CI5 Christmas Carol by Rebelcat
10th December -
macklingirl - Guess the Story -
Boxing Day by The Hag
11th December -
cim3745 -
Sometimes it Snows by Slantedlight
12th December -
byslantedlight -
Not a Very Silent Silent Night by Alexandria
13th December -
krisserci5 -
Gift Wrapped by O. Yardley
14th December -
macklingirl -
Christmas Snow by PFL
15th December -
hagsrus -
In the Bleak Midwinter by Rhiannon
16th December -
gilda_elise -
Tis the Season by Courtney Gray
17th December -
krisserci5 -
A Bodie Carol by Ancasta
18th December -
macklingirl -
Bodie's Christmas Wish by Ann Higgins
19th December -
airelle1 - Guess the Story! -
iLads by AngelCI5
20th December -
franciskerst -
Festival of Lights by Dorinda and also
20th December II -
franciskerst -
Christmas Cheer...and all by Airelle
21st December -
merentha13 -
Of Trees and Needles by Magenta Blue
22nd December -
krisserci5 -
Resolutions and Temptations by PFL
23rd December -
macklingirl - Guess the Story! -
So Here it is by Slantedlight
24th December -
byslantedlight -
In Hot Water, An Idyll by JM