When the Heat Cools Off - a wee (-ish) Proswatch

May 15, 2016 22:24

Honestly, I meant to post on Friday night when I watched the ep, but then I kept wanting pics to go with what I was thinking, and... well, there's quite a few pics, and it took a bit of time... *g*

So what I was thinking was, - I shall look mostly at something important - the slash! I mean, where does it all come from, anyway? *g* There's lots of touch-y moments in this ep, and lots of Doyle touching Bodie too, when it's usually the other way around that's remarked on for fics, but I think it's the overall feel of this episode, and what it implies that we don't see as much as anything else, for me. Bodie's with Doyle constantly - even if they're talking about finding dates, they're finding them together, and Bodie doesn't seem to have even thought that they might spend their holiday separately. *sighs happily*

My favourite lads-on-the-assault-course credits...
Shame about the watermarking on this - isn't it a rather good picture of Bodie holding very closely to Doyle our lads?

Okay - so Bodie says Morning - and then talks about going on a date in 30 minutes - is that cos they're going to spend the whole day together, right from the start of their holiday? It certainly seems like they plan to... *g*

Hmmn - Doyle has a topless pic on his garage wall... This is where the lads are very ordinary blokes from the late 1970s rather than maybe the blokes we'd rather they were, and much as I'd rather they didn't, I do prefer fic where we see that too...
Real lads are more interesting to me somehow - I want them to be part of the world then, so that they can fight against it, if that makes sense... Besides, it's clearly just cover. *vbg*

Something about horses at thirty quid a week... Doyle says, before saying he'll pay (for a second bottle of champagne, in the novelisation, though we don't see that here). Bodie says "You paid last time..."

More low murmured conversation, and hee - Bodie can't ride, he falls off (Does that fit with those nervous-on-a-horse pics in the new dvds?!) *g* Love that Doyle's girlfriend tells the two of them to stop fighting, as if that's what they're like together all the time, and she's used to it... *g* I love how this scene shows us how well they know each other, and how easy they are in each other's lives.

Bodie's looking after Doyle in the restaurant - Ray... he warns...

They go back to Doyle's flat together - Bodie and Doyle, I mean.

And Doyle wonders how Bodie would feel if his partner was killed... Bodie's perhaps not keen on being shouted at - Oh, I dunno he says - and Doyle says sorry...

Doyle looks up immediately when Bodie says Doyle, old son...

They just listen to each other... it's a focus thing. *g*

Bodie gets Doyle a coffee without asking... *g*
They look after each other in the little ways.

Hee - the lads playing knock-and-run on Cowley!

Bodie's there with Doyle even when - see how close they're standing, Bodie against the wall, Doyle right there in front of him, tapping his chest...

Bodie's still there, sitting on the couch, while they're off duty, while Jill Hayden's there. He's confident. *g*

He knows he doesn't need to worry. *g*

Doyle can't help giving Bodie a tap as he goes past - he's quite touch-Bodie-ish in this ep, actually. *g*

And Bodie's still there beside Doyle with Cowley (who's clearly spent the night in the office again) - and he's watching out for Doyle when Doyle's temper runs short...

They've split up at the park though, and Doyle lets Jill kiss him... but more importantly, when Bodie knows there's good news, he's all gleeful for Doyle, and he can't keep his hands off him, and look at the big smile! *g*

Hee - the gun expert scene! There's a bit in Bob Rocca's book about this...
Michael Sheard (Merton): "I'd been employed to play a small role set in Cowley's office, with the three leads, as a gun expert. The director, Ray Austin, had the clever idea that we could throw the gun to each other rather than just pass it. Martin and Lewis were a riot; each time I threw it they'd drop it, and burst into fits of laughter. They kept apologising to Ray and telling him the gun was slippery, but it's obvious they were letting it drop on purpose. It took quite a few takes to complete the scene, and in the end even Gordon Jackson was pleased when Ray was content with the final sequence and called it a wrap. I read somewhere later that Martin and Lewis didn't see eye-to-eye during the production; that I find hard to believe on what I witnessed during my day on the show!"

I love to hear about them laughing together like that... *happy sigh*

(Rocca also talks about the lads' wardrobe for this ep: Complete wardrobes of dress were built up for each of the major characters following discussion with the actors and especially 'the Boys', who were the main source of information on their own roles. *g*

How close do they stand...?

Very close... You can actually see Bodie's jacket moving with Doyle's breathing. You know, if you watch closely. *g*

Hee - chasing each other down the corridor!
Even with it all going on, they're all about each other.

Bodie's back at Doyle's again - Not that we've had much leave - so taken for granted that they'll spend it together! And hee - is that where LC laced MS's glass with real whisky? Doyle is breathless from it, and Bodie looks just slightly amused, though it's through this lines. *vbg*

And of course the hair-ruffle, and doesn't Doyle look perfectly content with Bodie's hand on him... *g*

Then non-sleepy Doyle... we can see what he's reading so much more clearly in this ep - Ten Years After Ivan Denisovich. Oh the time and conversation we spent (especially the now-non-lj Metabollick) to work it out! And the equivalent of the ever-present mobile phone - a phone by the bed...

Bodie collecting Doyle for the end of their holiday... Doyle gives Bodie a tap on his chest to get him moving - you can hear it, and I've never notice that before! And clutches at his ribs. *g* Touchy-lads... there's even more slashy-touchy moments than I thought... *g*

Ha - Doyle gives Bodie a hug. Well, kind of. *g*
Well there's no hesitation, no awkwardness, they're perfectly happy grabbing at each other... *g*

And then it's all over, and look at Bodie's frown as he's driving them home - he's all cross for Doyle too...

Somehow, I suspect he'll be there to comfort Doyle when Doyle gets back from the prison... well, he's been there all the rest of the time. *g*

And that's why I like this ep. *g*

proswatch-11whentheheatcoolsoff, proswatch

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