So I was wandering around lj friends-of-friends this morning, and I came across a Pros wip (I think it's a wip) where Bodie is being sold as a slave (no specific time specified, but not modern) -
The Rough Luck by
pushkin666 (great title, too).
Like a good girl I went and added a keyword to
prosficindex, and added the story - and then went completely blank and couldn't think of other Pros slavery stories, which is especially annoying, cos now I quite fancy reading some. I've thought of one more, typing this, but - can anyone help? I don't mean bdsm slavery (though that's another keyword I need to add, isn't it!) but stories from the days/fantasy worlds of slavery.
Will you help me make a list? *g*
Pros slavery stories
Arabian Nights by Pamela Rose
Breakheart by Jane
Catch a Fallen Star by Rosemary
The Hunting (Book 1) by Jane
Miles Scortillusque by Sineala
My Brother's Keeper by Felicity Parkinson
The Rough Luck by Pushkin666