Way back in September I asked...

Nov 11, 2015 15:28

...what people would like to do for Reading Room in December, and whether they'd like a change, and whether they'd like the CI5hq Pros Fic Christmas Calendar recs to run again, and suggested another idea too, and a few people responded (thanks!), and this is what they said (I've added one vote that I would have made but didn't, cos I try to wait until everyone else's voted before I do, since I run the poll, but I forgot to actually do it this time! Anyway, so that's why the numbers you'll see are up by one from the poll results in the link above.):

Would you like to see another Christmas/Winter/Etc.-themed December, as per previous years?
Yes please - a change from Thursday Reading Room - (5)
Yes please, but let's have Reading Room as well! - (3)
No, let's just carry on with ordinary Reading Room - (2)

Would you like to try a December-themed Daily ProsFic Treasure Hunt for a change?
Yes - sounds fun - let's all choose dates and chip in - (3)
No thanks - I'd rather just have what my answer to the other poll says! - (3)
- which broke down as: 1-ChristmasChangeFromReadingRoom; 2-CarryOnWithOrdinaryReadingRoom

There seems to be a quorum (8/10) who'd like to have the Prosfic Christmas calendar again, and although there wasn't much interest in the treasure hunt idea, there was equally as much interest in having it as in not having it! But not many people voted at all, which might mean they don't care at all, might mean they wish I'd go away, or might just mean that they didn't know/didn't mind/were out at the cinema and didn't see the poll when they came home... but being my indecisive self, I'm still trying to decide what to do...

So another poll, for a fresh decision! I'll even make this more of a secret ballot by locking results - so feel free to say No! without worrying people will think you're a curmudgeon... *g* Please answer all three questions - they're all independent of each other, but it'd all be helpful to know!

ETA - Of course I should have thought to explain a little more about what it is, for people who weren't here last year/have memories as bad as mine often is... *g*
Way way back when I first found Pros, The Hatstander used to post a Pros fic advent calendar every Christmas. She'd recommend a Pros Christmas fic (with added picture and then music too!) every day as an advent countdown, and it was fab. Sadly she stopped doing this after a few years (c2007/8ish, I think), and I for one really missed it. When it didn't look like it was going to re-start, I thought I'd see if we could do something similar at ci5hq - and so we did, in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014

It's definitely different from discoveredinalj's Christmas/winter/solstice/let-there-be-light celebration challenge - although you might be interested to know that I've just updated the user info page, and been looking at code and tags and images and artists over there today, too... *g*

And of course all comments/other ideas and thoughts are very welcome too!


christmas, reading room schedule

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