I came home on Tuesday to the news about
moonlightmead, and in all the sadness it didn't seem right to post about this week's Reading Room - and in fact I wondered if perhaps we should cancel it this week. The thing is, as so many people have been remembering, one of the things that MLM liked to do was to talk about fic, and so it doesn't seem right to cancel Reading Room either - I bet she'd wonder where it was, and wish she could be reading and chatting along with us.
So... I thought perhaps the best thing to do might be to carry on with the schedule - an open rec-night for fics and stories and art and all involving our lads and Guy Fawkes night/Bonfire night. We can make up a list of Pros (stories, artwork, creations - whatever we can find and think of) that somehow connects to November 5th, and wonder what the lads would really think of the goings-on, considering their just-as-noisy occupation, and perhaps our comments will be like showers of sparks, shooting up into the night sky for
moonlightmead to read in all their joy.
What do you think?