And today's story was...
A Pugnacious Angel by Gil Hale
The lads and Murphy are in the cold seaside town of Midmouth in December, and there's something wrong with Doyle. Luckily Bodie's around - and someone else rather unexpected... There's something very properly English Christmas about this story - you can feel the chill wind of it cutting through you, and then you open the door to Rosebay, and everything is golden-warm and smelling delicious...
2014 Pros Christmas Fic Advent Calendar
1st December -
Best Seat in the House by Linda Terrell (
2nd December -
Screwged or Nanny's Christmas Carol by M.Fae Glasgow (
3rd December -
Of Christmas Present by Rebelcat (
3rd December -
Marley by Jane Mailander (
4th December -
Gift-wrapped by O. Yardley (
5th December - A Pugnacious Angel by Gil Hale (
6th December -
7th December -
nypagan8th December -
9th December -
10th December -
11th December -
12th December -
13th December -
nypagan14th December -
15th December -
gilda_elise16th December -
17th December -
18th December -
19th December -
20th December -
gilda_elise21st December -
22nd December -
23rd December -
24th December -