Title: Turning the Tables
Author: krisser (
Archive to Pros Lib: Yes, thanks.
Genre: Slash.
Characters/Pairing: Bodie/Doyle.
Word count: 47601
Warnings: AU
Summary: It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind... the year the Great War came upon us all. This is the story of two men and how their lives changed because of it. New alliances created with old enemies and new organisations created, such as CI5 for gathering the truth and Rangers for continuing the fight. Bodie and Doyle may just be the last, best hope... for victory. The year is 2258. The universe: Babylon 5.
I want to say a big "Thank You" to all the moderators: Draycevixen
draycevixen, Norfolkdumpling
norfolkdumpling, P. R. Zed
przed, Saintvic
Sc Fossil
sc_fossil and Sineala
sineala .
Notes:My beta is a simply marvelous person and I thank her a thousand times for all her hard work. Any mistakes are mine for being a bumble head :)
sineala is to blame for this AU, little does she realize,. . .her idea post was like whole story Intersect into my head.
A huge thank you to
banbury for the brilliant art. It was like she got in my head and saw what I was hoping for.
No changes were made to the Babylon 5 timeline. This was a fusion instead of a true crossover.
Link to Story on AO3 :
AO3 Link Link to art on
banbury LJ :
Art Post