CI5_BoxofTricks 2024 Fic: Undercover Blues and Greens by LilyK (sc_fossil)

Oct 01, 2024 06:36

Title: Undercover Blues And Greens
Author: sc_fossil aka LilyK
Artist: Cloudless9193
Archive to Pros Lib: Yes, please!
Genre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Doyle/Bodie
Word count: 22,601
Warnings: none

Summary: Bodie and Doyle are on a sabbatical out of London when Cowley arrives to convince them to help with a major problem regarding terrorists and bombs, which coincidentally is in the exact town where they are spending their downtime. Imagine that. This is a wild &and crazy film fic with off-the-wall people and canon characters cast in various roles, along with a cute little dog, and a couple of nosey coppers intent on discovering exactly what the lads are up to. Established relationship with lads of an age heading to forty.

Notes: A special thanks to the mods of CI5_Box_of_Tricks, the Professionals Big Bang. You guys do a great job. I want to thank Ankaree and JoJo for their editing/beta work. Both of you are such great people and so helpful. And to the wonderful Dawnwind, who sadly passed away earlier this year, leaving me without her wonderful friendship of many years. It was hard doing her edit of the story thinking she'd never do another for me. after almost two decades of friendship and reciprocal editing/betaing/cheerleading in several fandoms.

I would also like to thank cloudless9193 for doing the artwork for the story. You are such a treasure to the fandom.

This is a film/movie fic, based on the 1993 movie, Undercover Blues, with Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner. It is a wild and crazy movie with Stanley Tucci stealing every scene he's in. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it if you enjoy a funny movie.

Link to Fic: Fic Master Post
Link to art: Art Master Post

stories and art 2024

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