Title: At Bay
norfolkdumpling Archive to Pros Lib: Yes
Genre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Word count: 14,140
Warnings: none given
Summary: After “Close Quarters” - Willis schemes and Cowley worries. Bodie is backed into a corner, but Doyle is right behind him.
Many thanks to
callistosh65 and
przed for the Pros Big Bang, bringing together in one place such an abundance of high quality new Pros fic.
I wouldn’t (couldn’t) have joined in the Pros Big Bang if I had not had a 11,000-word WIP that was complete but for a few scenes when the challenge was launched. BB offered the perfect motivation to finish and post it. “At Bay” was planned from the outset as an exercise in writing something a little darker than my usual knock-about stories of love and happiness. I tried, really I did.
Many thanks to my generous beta
greengerbil and my splendid artist
norfolkdumpling. All errors and infelicities are entirely my own.
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