The Morning Gift by moth2fic

Oct 25, 2012 10:34

Title: The Morning Gift
Author: moth2fic
Artist: artconserv
Archive to Pros Lib: yes
Genre: slash
Characters/Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Word count: 31,209
Warnings: AU (early twelfth century)

Summary: Raedwolf, a Saxon, is brought up in a Norman household by his brother-in-law. Giles goes on crusade, leaving Rae as castellan. This is unusual for a Saxon but Rae will both protect his family and oversee the building of Giles’ new castle at Winterton Cowley. Then Guillaume le Beau arrives with news from Giles and stays to help Rae train the men-at-arms.

Notes: Thanks to margaret_r for the painstaking beta and especially for making sure I sorted out the fight scene. Thanks also to damerelfor advice on aspects of the AU. And thanks to Lorraine for the beautiful artwork! Thanks, too, to the mods who have made this year's Big Bang as exciting as ever and have supervised us so well!

There is a quasi-historical note at the end of the fic for anyone who is interested in such things.

Link to Fic: The Morning Gift
Links to Art: The Morning Gift or Art master Post

stories and art 2012

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