John Adams

Dec 10, 2009 17:41

I see that posting has been really sketchy recently. Combination of traveling back and forth to the East Coast twice, plus holiday season, and being sick with a hanging on cold. For a while I was only on the computer for work, and then only because I get to work at need to worry about infecting my coworkers :)
I also have been curling up with a very good book,a biography of John Adams, by David McCullough.Being a history/poli sci fan it is a treat. It is full of descriptions of the people,places and events of Revolutionary America and before...later will get to early Presidential history, but I am not to that part yet...just finishing with the Treaty of Paris which ending the War.

The writer paints a reality-based picture of many characters, as seen through Adams eyes by way of letters and diary entries. No cardboard cutouts or stereotypes. And the events are shown in all their complexity. Did you know that John Adams was the defense attorney for the British soldiers on trial in the aftermath of the Boston "Massacre" ? (and that most were justifiably acquitted? ) And that one night he and Benjamin Franklin had quite a spirited debate over the health benefits of closed versus open windows, while sharing a bedroom?

He also thought that promoting higher education was a valid and valued function of any good government (wrote it into the Massachusetts Constitution).

I highly recommend the book. Find out what our Founding Fathers were really like.
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