Nov 25, 2006 08:31
The sincere effort to drown dismay and disquiet in a variety of strange coloured and rather vile tasting liquids was halted by a friendly grip on the shoulder and a muttering of a strange but familiar sound. My name it was i think.
Pleasentaries exchanged, the blurry real figure led back a group of undistinguishable faces that seemed to know that strange but familiar sound uttered by the first. More jokes, more strange liquids followed, a short of fuzzy lost aura descended on the night. Dismay, Disquiet and Detached dissolved into the back of the crowd and could be seen gyrating somewhere in the fringes.
Now let me introduce four new characters to this night, names cannot be provided for they blended into one another rather indistinguishably and I cannot tell where one differed from the rest. They were fuzzy blurred female outlines familiar to these fading gray indistinguishable shapes that knew that strange but familiar sound. The four girls consisted of three who where standing upright and moving or dancing by virtue of some unknown power working beyond the alcohol, the fourth was what you may call "the desginated driver".
Make that five new characters, enter Disconcerted. Right there at the center platform doing the Salsa like he owned the world. He had a personal connection to the four girls, who were being groped and felt up by ever other strange guy who danced up against them. The presumed designated driver appeared highly disinterested with what was happening.
Somehow through that directionless haze, i started dancing with them, and fending off these random shadows flitting and flirting by, ending up in a 1995 Ford Covertible stopping at four different corners of the country. Carrying up the stairs 4 people who will never be recalled by name or look.
It was a tight fit in the Ford, even top down, for all 13 of us, 4 drunk girls, Disconcerted, Dismay, Detached, Disquiet and the girls they picked up Mischief, Misbehave and Mistake.
"the lonesome sound
as the Hounds of Winter,
They harried me down"
The end of NIght One
....more to come....