Now... how do I begin?

Oct 26, 2010 23:45

Hi LJ!

This is my first post and I really don't know how to begin. Who's gonna see this? Hmmm....
Well, I guess I should begin with the reason I chose to start this journal.
I've been obsessing about the japanese boy band Arashi since I discovered them 7 months ago by chance and I came across this great community where I find lots of fans like me. I guess I feel I belong here :)

This is the story of how Arashi entered my life.
One friday night, my boyfriend for the past ten years tells me he wants to call it quits. I completely agreed on the subject. Things weren't working out anyway, so the best thing was to break up. Of course, I got upset, cried a little and since I couldn't sleep, I picked up Haruki Murakami's "After Dark" and read the entire book. I loved it! I don't know why but it lifted my spirits up right away.
The next day, I was hosting a study group session for my Japanese Language classmates. While we were waiting for the rest to arrive, one friend said he had a dorama with him so we decided to watch it. The dorama's name was Hana Yori Dango. That is how I saw Matsujun for the first time. I thought: "Wow, this guy Domyouji is really cool!".
Later that day, I met my girlfriends for a snack since I told them what had happened the night before (sobbing midnight phone calls). When we met, they were ready with tissues and hugs at hand, but they were greatly surprised when they saw me smiling and happy. I didn't exactly understand why I was is such a good mood either. Could it be that catchy tune that had lodged in my brain?
When I got back home, the song from the dorama stayed in my head. So I started searching the web. The name Arashi appeared at once and I came across the PV for Wish. "Oh, the guy from the dorama sings that! The song is really good. And that other guy looks good, too... (staring at Sho-chan)". After that, I was hooked.

Since then, I've been watching everything of theirs I can get my hands on. Living in Peru doesn't make things easy, since there aren't that many stores that carry their products and I don't happen to have any fan friends :(
I hope I get to connect with other fans though this journal and I'll keep supporting these amazing 5 guys who make my day every day, Arashi.

I guess that's enough for my first post.

PD: I'm really glad that last saturday there was a Johnny's segment on national television and I've heard that another channel is playing some of their PVs. Way to go!
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