Epic Fantasy in a Modern Setting!

Mar 25, 2013 21:38

...not MY wording - I totally and shamelessly stole that from someone else's comment on this fic (thank you frogspace!)

Okay. As I have stated before - I'm totally reading Merthur right now. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten or abandond my H/D beginnigns or my Puckurt love (cause seriously..totally awesome fandoms there!) but this story. Oh dear lord.

Allow me to set the scene for you:

There I am, browing AO3 as one does. And by "as one does" i mean randomly clicking pairing and tag links until I stumble upon something that piques my interest because...seriously what good is the interwebz if not for randomly clicking at links on sites until you find yourself in some weird, crazy, totally bizzare site that you have no idea you arrived at and are frantically wondering if seeing images like that means you will be locked up in a padded room because people assume you're with the crazies just by being on the site. Uh...not that that happens to me. I don't go to crazy places....well..I go to Dysonrules journal but that's about it (although that's crazy enough!)

Anyways. So there I am stumbling across the PaperLegends stories on AO3. And they are all really reallly good stories. ANd then there was:

The Dragon's Circle by finem

This story! It is 60K+ words of pure AMAZING. It is a slow build which is just fantastic because it takes everything you could ever want in a modern AU and puts it together. It's got danger, and intrigue. It's got practical jokes and flirting and omg-the sexiest Gwaine ever! It has a Bastard!Arthur that becomes so much MORE than that! And Powerful!Merlin that is.....so human and yet so much more and GUH!

Oh - and it's only part 1 of a series (expect part 2 for this year's big bang! Seriously awesome!).

Here's the TL;DR version:

Me: *clicks on fic link* this looks good. *reads for a bit* Oh...I should go watch some TV and have supper.
*Sits on couch watching TV munching on toast (shut up i'm lazy)*
*gets twitchy...squirms on couch...makes vague dog-like whining noises*
*Glares at the TV...hops off the couch*
*Flees the TV room and rushes to the PC to finish reading*
*doesn't move for the next 3.5 hours until the story is done*
....at some point I also ended up clutching a pillow although I'm not sure how that came to be. Perhaps some magical ...pillow conjuring power of my own?

Well...I should go apologize to my TV now...cause yeah I think I made it mad. (Or maybe I just need to invest in technology newer than a 6 year old desktop so I can read in places other than at the computer desk).
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