Title: Nightingale (2/?)
Pairing: Junseob, Yunjae. Other side pairings as well.
Rating: PG-13
Type: Perhaps angst, fluff? Idk..
Summary: Just as fate would have it. Two young lords getting themselves tangled in the affairs of the best entertainment house in the flower district, and of course, the geishas themselves. Set in the olden Japan. DBSK/Beast. Slight mention of other groups as well.
A/N: There will be Japanese words throughout the fic, and I will be posting its meanings at the end of each chapter. I'm open for any room of improvement, and hopefully this chaptered fanfic will stay with me till the end! Its my (second) try on chapter fanfics, and I'm really bad at keeping up at chapter fics, so do pardon me! x.
The 1) shoji screen slid close behind Kikwang, the soft sound alerting the other person in the room of his presence.
The boy shifted, the fan still covering his face.
“It is over.”
Kikwang smiled gently, as he stepped forward till he was a meter away from the male. Resting his weight against his knee, he knelt down again. His eyes never looked up, not even when he had heard the rustling of the fabric, not even when he heard the soft patter of feet.
A hand rested on his shoulder. It was only then Kikwang looked up, into the gaze of the male's. “I'm fine, Kikwang.” A soft, comforting smile blossomed over those pale lips.
Like always, Kikwang felt his breath leaving his body and a light blush on his face. His serious eyes softened into a crinkle, and his mouth curved from its original thinned line.
“Its good to hear that, Yoseob.”
It was as though a hidden spell had been broken, and Kikwang rose from his position as Yoseob walked to close the open windows in the room. “Have you eaten yet, Yoseob?”
The smaller sized blonde chuckled as his thin fingers pulled the curtains down. “No I haven't. I would love to visit Jaejoong hyung and have a bite together as well. I'm sure he hasn't eaten yet. Would you?”
“Your wish is my command, sire.”
“You said that to annoy me, didn't you?”
“How delightfully smart you are, my young lord.”
Yoseob pouted as he folded his thin arms around each other, ignoring the mirth dancing in Kikwang's eyes. “Keep that up and I'm going to complain you to Jaejoong hyung!”
“Indeed, my apologies...”
Yoseob's pout started to curve, while Kikwang held his eye smile persistently.
“...My lord.”
The door to the kitchen slid open with grace, and Jaejoong turned his head slightly to welcome Yoseob with a nod of acknowledgment. But Kikwang was an unexpected sight he did not foresee.
A raised eyebrow was directed to Kikwang, who was sporting a bruise and a heavy pout on his passive face. Yoseob folded his arms around each other. “He was asking for it.” Changmin was already laughing at Kikwang, and he wasn't even bothering to hold it back.
Kikwang pouted. “For a thin guy like you, you sure can pinch someone hard.” Yoseob stuck his tongue out, his hand tucked in the sleeves of his kimono to preserve warmth in the cold night.
“Young ones, and already bickering at each other.” Jaejoong sighed, as he laid plate full of rice balls on the table. “I don't see how you can comment on them when you are the same with me.” Changmin pointed out, stealing a couple of rice balls and stuffing it into his mouth before Jaejoong could stop him from doing so.
The older male's eyebrow twitched, and Changmin later ended up with a bruise on his head as well, in courtesy of Jaejoong's wooden rice paddle.
Standing tall with long platinum gold locks on his head, pale white skin, doe like eyes that are sharp with mysterious questions, a long and sharp nose and red painted lips..
Jaejoong was like a doll that was crafted from a glass sculpture by God's hands, with nothing less than perfection could want. Dance, sing, cook... and along with a fiery temper that could rival a pissed off pussy cat.
Hyunseng slid the door to the kitchen open, his large eyes taking in the situation before him. A dancer, in the background. Lesser dangers, lesser income as well. But Hyunseng didn't mind.
The occasional spotlight upon him was enough, so long as he got to dance. And dance he was granted to do. Yoseob greeted him with a smile that was only for his best friend, and Hyunseng raised his eyebrow at Kikwang's sight.
“Food!! Joongie, you didn't tell me you were having a night snack!” The door slid open again, more forcefully this time, as Junsu bounced over. His own kimono slid against the polished wood, and Yoochun took care not to step onto it as he entered in himself.
Jaejoong's smile widened before his eyebrow twitched as he spotted Changmin's hand creeping for more. “Stop eating so much, you unrestricted pig!” “Such uncouth words and actions coming from a professionally trained 2) geisha like you! What will the customers say?!”
Yoseob smiled, as his fingers tore of bits of the rice ball to be placed into his mouth.
His mind imprinted the sight of Changmin stuffing himself with Jaejoong's food. The sight of Kikwang trying to do the same, looking determined to finish chewing all three rice balls he had stuffed into his mouth to make space for two more.
The sight of Jaejoong trying to eat his own food silently, giving the occasional evil glare that was aimed to Changmin in hopes of him choking on his food. The sight of Hyunseng eating his food passively, talking to Junsu about the day's earnings and customers.
The sight of Junsu grabbing the rice balls to share with Yoochun, as the latter tucked his sleeves into the back of his hakama like how Kikwang and Changmin did, revealing the scabbard of his blade.
It was home to Yoseob at this moment.
It was happiness.
The doors to Soom wasn't open yet, and it only opened in the late afternoon till twilight, a vast contrast from other entertainment houses who opened in the day. But Doojoon was determined to have it his way, the end result in having a whole load of customers that visited his entertainment house for its unique ways.
Junhyung never did really understand the meaning behind these entertainment houses. He liked to roam around, to sleep and nap all day long, to have sparring games with his friends, but never visiting those entertainment houses.
It was just a place where people were doing useless things after all, and Junhyung couldn't comprehend the meaning behind it all.
He walked off, his hands tucked into the sleeves of his Kimono. Dongwoon was still having his afternoon lessons on 3) Kenjutsu and he was bored. Junhyung sighed, as he trailed off to his favorite shop. Maybe he'd see if there was any new fabric to buy for his mother...
“My lord, please do not wander around without me beside you.”
Junhyung's gaze did not leave the intricate pattern of the cloth laid before his eyes. “Its alright, Yunho. I'm not a child anymore.” Yunho's arm rested on his 4) Odachi which was snug in the waist of his 5) zubon.
“6) Chichi-ue's orders are absolute, my lord.”
Junhyung grunted, obviously annoyed and unhappy but Yunho only smiled. “Which one of these would Mother prefer?” Yunho gazed at the printed fabric, before looking around the shop for another while. “7) Haha-ue would prefer something less complicated, my lord...”
His eyes turned to scan the fabrics outside of the shop, and just then, he caught the gaze of a captivating young man across the street. Yunho's eyes widened, as the blond male broke the stare as he walked off with another young man behind him.
The young man behind the blond gave him a pointed look, and Yunho understood. He was also a trained warrior like him, to protect someone. And seeing the 8) Katana resting against the young man's waist, Yunho know that he was just being protective.
But as the day went by, Yunho couldn't forget the captivating look the blond had given to him.
It was almost imprinted in his mind, almost like dark magic.
1) Shoji screen, a japanese sliding door in traditional japanese homes
2) Geisha, traditional female japanese entertainers who skills include performing japanese arts such as classical music and dance.
3) Kenjutsu, an art of the sword. A material art that makes use of the japanese swords.
4) Chichi-ue, a way of calling father that denotes a high level of respect.
5) Haha-ue, a way of calling mother that denotes a high level of respect.
6) Odachi, a long japanese sword.
7) Zubon, the bottom half of a material art set that usually with the uwagi, obi and hakama.
8) Katana, a backsword which is also a japanese sword. Commonly referred to a samurai's sword.