i think i figured out why i'm so out of it lately.

Oct 04, 2010 10:07

There must be a reason behind the fact that my mood always lightens up when I take the time out to check back with my fandoms and my old, wonderful friends.

In the midst of living this new life, I've forgotten to make time for myself and to indulge in things that I love, things that always used to brighten my day. There's no justice in leaving such pleasures behind for new things that end up not feeling right at all.

I went from introvert to extrovert in such a short time and focused on being with people so much that I forgot to take care of someone that matters the most-- myself. If I'm not happy, then the rest of my life won't be. It's no use to have friends but always be in such a foul mood around them.

I'm off to take better care of myself; to devote an hour or two each day to fandom, some time up at the gym, daily naptimes, conversations online with old friends, things that I know will keep my spirit alive and a smile on my face.

Fandom-induced revelations: the best kind.
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