Remaking the Supreme Court

May 14, 2008 17:10

The U.S. Supreme Court is easily the most interesting piece of the government. The historic nature of their opinions, the secretive nature of their deliberations and the appointment process all give the court a different feeling than other entities.

But it's time to shake things up. Well, maybe just a small change. We need to get rid of associate justice John Paul Stevens.

He hasn't committed any grand crimes against America (that I know of), nor have his opinion offended me beliefs. Rather, I just can't remember the man. Whenever I read a story about the court, I always try to then name the nine justices to see if I can remember.

Back in the day, roughly 2005, I could do that in my sleep. I was taking multiple classes where that was useful, everyday information and had no problem reeling them off. I could tell you which five were the conservatives and which were the liberals.

Now things are a little fuzzy. Last night I read a story about the importance of this election, since five of the justices will be at least 70 years old on election day (a sixth being 69). That means a two term president would have a great chance at nominating several justices, with 88-year-old John Paul Stevens high on the list of possible retirees.

So why not grease the wheels a bit and announce your retirement in August? There's no way a new justice could be nominated and confirmed before the new president takes office. And that way I could just remember the new guy's name, which will already be drilled into my head by the aforementioned confirmation process. Everybody wins. Well maybe just I do, but whatever.

Supreme Court fun fact of the day: In the last 40 years, all but two appointments to the court have been made by Republican presidents.

*Editor's note: The Supreme Court fun fact of the day is a one-time occurrence and will not be seen again unless I come across another fun fact and feel the need to share it, thus necessitating the return of the Supreme Court fun fact of the day for another post that will feature yet another disclaimer letting you know that I don't intend to keep up with such a thing since I'm pretty much lazy but if you know me then you already knew that.
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