Up and at 'em Atom Ant

Oct 20, 2007 04:28

It's just past 4 a.m. on a Saturday.

Most people awake at this time are either really pissed off that they're awake, or not exactly in a state where the time is all that important.

Me? I'm good. I got more than eight hours of sleep, slept several hours past when I normally get up and there was no alarm involved in my waking progress. Anyone can agree those three things make for a good morning.

After I got up I went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. I looked up at the microwave clock and noticed it read 3:42 a.m. I've lived here for two weeks now and looked at that clock dozens of times. But today was the first time I noticed it had the a.m./p.m. designation.

I think if you are awake enough to get yourself to the kitchen, there should be no question as to whether it's a.m. or p.m. A few times in getting adjusted to my new schedule I've woken up in a semi-dark room and seen 6:04 staring back at me and panicked. I was hours late for work! Oh wait, I've only been asleep for an hour. Phew.

But if you make it all the way to the kitchen, your brain should be at a high enough state of alert to figure out which half of the day you're stumbling through.

Maybe it should feature the day of the week, since it's a lot easier to forget where you're at on that piece of information.

Yesterday at work I really lucked out on where I was sitting. Well lucky in that if I had actually viewed a hilarious scene instead of just hearing it from behind me, I would have died from laughter.

There is a printer that was maybe 10 feet back over my left shoulder. I'm trying to write super serious news stories, and often there's not much that can distract me from that task.

Until I heard: "Paper jam? Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?!"

Office Space was not on TV. I don't think the person who said those words has even seen Office Space. And yet, they nailed the quote so perfectly.

I glanced up at the half-dozen people who were in range to hear the magic words. Not one of them even blinked. I was so disappointed. But hey, as they say, "Them's the rubs, kid." Ok maybe they don't say it, just guys named Lou The Wrench after I plead my case about owing his boss money and though he is on my side he still has to break my leg. I hate that guy.
October is Filipino-American Heritage Month. So if you haven’t celebrated the world of Filipino-Americans or told your favorite Filipino-American they are awesome, time is running out.

The fluorescent lightbulb was invented by a Filipino guy. So was the Yo-Yo. Say you’re bored at work, you could be sitting in the dark with nothing to do. But now, you can have your space filled with fluorescent light and amuse yourself with a Yo-Yo. Better recognize.
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