
(no subject)

Dec 07, 2007 03:01


Hugh Laurie (right) in Stuart Little.

House really threw me the first time I watched it.

The pre-title sequences are always stylistically and tonally very different from the rest of the episode. And here's a doctor that seems to care less about the patient's well being and more about playing mind games with his subordinates.

When it comes to actually diagnosing the patient, they play Russian roulette with the poor guy's life: removing the spleen, a chunk of the brain, a kidney, the uvula, his humanity - in that order - until they realize, Oh, he's not suffering from asbestos poisoning or severe endovascular tarchiactomy or Jasper-Schrödinger syndrome like they thought, oh no; the problem is in his head he's been faking it all along.

But it's too late for him now cause they've taken out his vital organs and it hurts too much to put them all back in and so Dr. House kicks one of his 40 applicants off the island with a snarky comment, and man this show is ridiculous, but also kind of fun once you start buying into its strange reality.

In other news, my 360 red ringed the other day, which means I won't be able to play my copies of The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Kane & Lynch, or Mass Effect I splurged on in a sale until I get it back from repairs, which might not be until sometime after my winter holidays. Ugh.

I also might not be able to share the fun with my extended family at our big yearly get-together, which is more tragic to me than the first part. Maybe Microsoft will understand my plight and do a super speedy job fixing my box, but we'll see how it goes...
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