
(no subject)

Jul 08, 2007 21:30

A head full of spaghetti

Transformers featuring Shia LaBoeuf and Megan Fox. Yes, she is.

Transformers is loud, confusing, and not that much fun. With the exception of a charming Shia LaBeouf driving the film’s emotional throughline, none of the human characters are fleshed out enough for us to even remotely care about (there’s a throwaway subplot about some teenage analysts and a goofy Anthony Anderson as the worst offender).

Unfortunately, even LaBeouf’s likable character gets shoved aside when the big robots show up in force, who look cool but are far too numerous and underdeveloped for us to really identify with. There are good robots led by Optimus Prime and bad robots led by Megatron, and that’s about all that seems to matter.

The movie doesn’t quite work as a fun action romp, either. Even if any of the characters were interesting enough to root for (which they’re not) we still wouldn’t be able to tell what’s happening or who’s actually winning. The disorienting, dizzying action camerawork manages to convey a lot of grinding metal, sparks, explosions, and widespread collateral damage, but ultimately little testosterone or excitement.

Transformers is best when it’s quiet and restrained, like when LaBeouf’s character develops a bond with his car, woos his sizzling love interest, or during the tense opening scene where the military makes first contact with the robot menace. Sadly, the slam bang action incoherence permeates and the final product is very much full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

(ONE out of five)

I think an anecdote from Roger Ebert's review pretty clearly illustrates a big deficiency in the movie:

I saw the movie on the largest screen in our nearest multiplex. It was standing room only, and hundreds were turned away. Even the name of Hasbro, maker of the Transformers toys, was cheered during the titles, and the audience laughed and applauded and loved all the human parts and the opening comedy. But when the battle of the titans began, a curious thing happened. The theater fell dead silent. No cheers. No reaction whether Optimus Prime or Megatron was on top. No nothing. I looked around and saw only passive faces looking at the screen.
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