Listen up, Y'all.

Sep 03, 2008 19:51

Okay, so I'm going to do something positive at least once every day. Because I had a massive meltdown tonight about everything going on. So! If anyone on my flist wants to do it, too, go for it! I think it'd be nice if everyone said something nice once every day.

So! What I'm thinking is either you say something nice about yourself/your day. It can be anything. Like "I like the shoes I wore today" to "I think you did a good job at work today" - something like that. Or you can post a picture of something you saw that day that was nice. Like if you saw a butterfly that made you happy, or a puppy or something. Just post it to share. Third could be a picture of some kind. Like a graphic or an icon that makes you happy.

It can be something really, really basic.

I know it sounds kind of lame. But after today I've decided that I've had enough. And that I want to start with little, positive things.

Mine for today: "I'm really happy you found The Wall today. It was nice that you got to show it to your dad - it really is a nice area!"

nicely!, life

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