Title: The HuntAuthor: caeseria
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kakashi/Iruka
Author's notes: Written for an anonymous request on the Kakairu Kink Meme on Livejournal: Hunter-nin Iruka has his sights set on his ANBU counterpart, Kakashi.
Summary: While working on a delicate mission to protect Konoha, Hunter-nin Iruka has to collaborate with Inu, an ANBU captain he finds both dangerous and intriguing. For the sake of both Konoha and the mission, Iruka must protect his identity at all costs, even when he’d prefer not to.
Chapter 18 is up!
Link to chapter 18 on A03 here Getting close to the end, now! I figure there's maybe another long chapter, perhaps two, left, depending on how things play out. :)