(no subject)

Jan 02, 2007 01:38

So i went over to Yen's house today (he wasn't able to come over that one day xD;). 'Twas nice *teehee*. I'm officially not a member of the NBK club (never been kissed). *blush.* I'm still a little bit overwhelmed by everything, but all is well ^^. I also pwned him at Guitar Hero 2 xD; hehe. And I played Halo for the first time too on his XBox 360 :3. We went on XBox live and I was calling people who killed me tardmuffins, and i was playing annoying music on the headset *giggle*. I'll probably end up getting an XBox when I get cable internet here....although I'll have really awesome internet at college soo. I had promised myself not to bring video games to school though...But i'll just *have* to bring the playstation 2 ^_-.
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