I made a new layout! go me. I rather like it. I was actually gonna use another picture for it but bah i like this already. Besides that, sorry for not updating the journal. I'm all writy type now *nods* I rather think I have gotten back into it. Its become fun again but combining it with manga drawing as well is hard.
Job wise I still have nothing cause I suck majorly and no one wants me but I wanna wash dishes again cause I want to buy Matt type person a pretty and I want it to be the bestest one in the whole whole world that beats anything he's ever had cause he's been uber nice to me.
INKING Kari(Tsukiahakai form-dress not part of it) and Meeku(real form)
The difference in forms are that one meeku is no longer cuddly or small or even carry-able ^_^
Kari becomes i don't know, different, kinda stremlined XD, eye shape changes for a start and her hair colour is different. A merging of colours actually, sea-green and white.
title; 'not got one i like yet T_T'
Chapter One
Under The Night
Under the cover of Darkness that was when she worked best.
It wasn’t just a part of her, it was also a dear friend.
One that was always constant and expected. So it remained coming and going without fail. Its arrival never depending on feelings, never tainted by the whimsical desires that so marred the humans it shared with.
And one that would shield her well for the purpose she held tonight as it always had.
Apart from the artificial lighting that surrounded the house at regular points there was no other kind of lighting filling the expanse of land. There was no moon tonight, the seeming trademark of hers wasn’t present tonight and she didn't need it. She never had. She could see well enough without it even at her current distance.
She reached down to her boots now as she crouched still concealed in the bushes and the darkness that surrounded the grounds of the house. It wasn't really a house, she thought taking a moment to note that. It was more a mansion. In fact...was there something that could lie between that and a palace? she thought as she let her gaze run over it taking in every architectural quirk with a calculating eye. Already she was simultaneously valuing the property and noting the weaknesses that a days preparation had drawn to her attention.
Tonight she had decided to take this mission alone. It was after all...one of personal pleasure. The knife slipped out easily. She hadn't had to look down to find it. It was always in its same place, never changing. She could always reach for it and it would be there, fitting into her palm with such familiarity she couldn’t remember being without it. Her fingers curled round it briefly in silent greeting before being placed between her teeth. Her hands moved quickly, expertly as she twisted the free fall of thick dark hair into a knot. It took the most minimum of hand movements but it was completely secured. Another action it seemed she was familiar with.
Crossing over the exposed part of the grounds was also done with great expertise though truth be told she found it was a lot easier than she had expected. Being nothing more than a large open expanse of green with only a very sparse amount of decorative trees, she had felt that this would indeed be the hardest bit. The house sat smack in the middle of its surrounding ground where it would be easy to spot anyone approaching. She had to brave the lights that illuminated it the closer she came leaving only the smallest of shadows for her to work with. She had even expected ‘a’ dog at the very least. Something she had equally prepared for. A smile touched her mouth.
Her gaze scanned her environment again now that she was closer. To her hearing every sound but her heartbeat was magnified. Her breathing was normal and easy. Not the slightest sound of registering exertion. Then again that was another nifty trick she possessed, she was well used to controlling it.
There no lights on throughout the ground floor of the building. In fact there were more lights on outside than there were in. It indicated the possibility that the owner was either out or asleep. Something that suited her perfectly though, she had hoped it would have been a little more exciting than it was currently proving.
Her study and enquiries about the place had told her that there was only one main occupant of this house. A young man. One it seemed no one saw very much of. In actuality he had only been seen a handful of times. So much so her informant thought his presence was imaginary. A young man with way too much money for him not to be a dear and share with her. He had far too much not to.
Bodyguards were another security point she had factored in and at least in this she was not completely disappointed. There were bodyguards but at most there were two. They weren’t nearly enough to be of any proper use on grounds so large. She watched them now from her sheltered position near the wall. A low hiss of annoyance passed through her teeth. They were playing checkers and drinking champagne from slender delicate glasses! It was so surreal she didn’t know what to make of it for a moment. Was it an elaborate trick? To pretend there was nothing worth protecting?
As she moved away she slipped her knife back into place with a low expletive. It just beggared belief that she had not yet run into even one challenge. She could almost be coaxed into thinking that the house didn’t hold one of the most valuable items she’d heard of. Placing her hand against the walls of the mansion she moved along cautiously. Treading carefully and quietly her eyes always scanning, ears always primed for any sound. She soon found what she was looking for with ease. She had no need to cross check. Everything was still embedded in her mind after hours of studying the plans. This despite the drunken partying which had been going on outside her door.
Her searching hand soon found something other than the rough texture of the wall and she looked up at the wood panelling that supported the ivy growing along its height and almost blocking it from view. It would take her up to the first floor…if it would support her weight she she didn’t have all that much of. She was lean…not skinny, for the latter would suggest a weakness she did not possess.
She rattled it slightly testing it out and surprisingly it was quite strong. She soon found herself on the balcony of the second floor. She began to wonder if she would have gotten to her purpose much the same by just walking through the front door. The curtains behind the sliding doors were drawn and the light was off in this particular room. But this wasn’t were she was going to enter. No, it would be easier higher above and that’s where she went now climbing up with the aid of the rope she had brought with her. Here there was a balcony that went right round the building and past all sliding doors and windows that lay above. She could practically pick and choose her point of entry.
Looking out over the grounds from her vantage point only came as a result of the unshakable feeling of being watched. The feeling that there was something more to this house than was presented was fleeting and passed in seconds. However the unease forming inside didn’t leave with it. No, that remained and it was for its source that she was now looking. Someone was watching her and she knew what that felt like. There was no mistaking that feeling.
What exactly drew her gaze to the next point she wasn’t exactly sure. Was it that she had just seen something out of place in the map of her mind or has she just deliberately known where to look. As if having been told? Whatever it was it faded into insignificance as she stared almost wide-eyed at the pale form standing a distance away on the grass below her. Standing far enough away it seemed that human eyes would not have made out the features. Hers did.
It seemed the wind must have picked up in the time she had spent climbing even though she hadn’t felt a change. How could it not have, the almost white fall of hair was floating as if it were. She got the strange feeling of being submerged under water just watching it. The eyes that seemed to looking straight at her. Yet it was impossible. She wasn’t visible in the shadows in which she stood. Still, there they were definitely staring at her impossible or not. A chill rand down her spine. Was she somehow imagining that…
She closed her eyes briefly and opened them again and there was nothing there. It was all as it had been before. Part of her still insisted she had not been imagining what she had seen and yet the other part simply refused it on the basis that it was not there now. If it had truly been there nothing could possibly disappear that fast. The idea of ghosts were far from her mind only because she held back such notions. She did not believe in them and that was it.
Hours earlier, she had been packing her backpack for this little endeavour.
Days earlier she had been down at the local bar being regaled by the location of a lesser known artefact that apparently resided in a mansion with an eccentric owner who had more money than sense. Twin Katana swords of an exceptional make such that there was not another pair like them anywhere. What she had been paying attention to however was the money. The fact that there was supposedly so much money which could, knowing her extraordinary fortune, be lying right in the building.
The first part sat staring at her now, lovingly in pride of place. Glass coffin on the wall its fanfare the gilt edges and engraved plate one that displayed its name proudly. With what little light there was the glass shone but the blades within, they were different. Depending upon the angle you took them at they shimmered differently and for a moment she was entranced. Her fingers reached out seemingly of their own accord. It wasn’t something she had control over which would only unsettle her much later. Just as much as the fact that they had vibrated. Low almost imperceptible but they had. There was no doubt about it.
Something moved along the corner of her vision but when she turned in response there was nothing there. Yet…the unease just wouldn’t go…
She gave a soft annoyance and a new kind of grim determination settled across her face as she decided to get what she had come for. Not for the swords, no. Any skilful thief would have figured out with the very first glance. Those swords had no value. They were priceless.
And priceless led to trouble trying to sell it off.
She was highly aware of the soft carpet beneath her feet and the richness that seemed to scream from every corner but she ignored it easily enough. Rather than due to some well built filter for distraction it was more the door that presented itself before her. She had to look up to follow the top of the double doors that lead both into and out of the room it sheltered. How could it be missed. The oak panelling bordered by the most intricate but beautiful carvings she had ever seen. It seemed it lead to something amazing. It couldn’t lead to just another room. It would be a waste.
As she had thought it lead to what could only be the main part of the house. If anything were to happen she had a feeling it would all happen or at the very least originate from here. The room was a strange but vast circle shape and on the floor in its centre there were more intricate designs that carried all the hallmarks of a casting circle. Somewhat corrupted but definitely a casting circle. These she hadn’t come across except drawn in books. Why anyone would chose this kind of design was beyond her. It didn’t feel like it was a random choice either. Everything in the room seemed to have a purpose. A semi-circle of high windows lay straight ahead and above. Above was the most breath taking of all. Above there was a glass dome ceiling and though it was far far above she could still see every detail painted into the glass as if she held it in her hands.
Halfway up th room and to the glass domed ceiling lay rows and rows of books . The shelves of which followed the circular nature of the room all the way to the top. She briefly wondered how on earth anyone could reach that high up without using some form of levitation or summoning. After all, and as was well known, nothing like that existed in real life. That was the stuff of drunken tales and story books. A few of which she had idled with herself until she had been bitten by harsh reality.
Across to her right the picture caught her attention. Her hand had been so close to it yet she hadn’t noticed it at all. She moved to stand in front of it now instinct telling her it hid something. It was something about the way the picture practically jumped out at her senses. It wasn’t of the most impressive size but that hadn’t been what had caught her attention. Neither was it the person in the picture. Nor the way the eyes seemed to stare at her as if really seeing her. She stared thoughtfully at the picture. What had drawn her attention to it was the fact that of all things in the room it was the most normal. More accurately it was trying ‘too’ hard to be normal. What she wanted was no doubt behind it and he ignored the chill that went down her spine. This place…was just too strange. She hadn’t planed for this.
With the intent to move it the picture seemed even more unnerving. She reached up taking it down a smile illuminating her face now as she saw the safe behind it. Rubbing her hands briskly she set to work. Minutes later she was staring at a pile of money. Actual and real, not in the least imaginary. That someone would be so stupid as to put such amounts at home…it defied belief. There was a lesson to be learned here and she didn’t mind teaching it. She’d even thought about how she would get the money out, something she had spent much more time thinking about than she had on cracking the safe. She’d opened so many of them in her time that she barely had to think. Most models were always the same and different ones only varied by small changes that only required a little common sense.
(needs more editing)