Flights to Baltimore for Otakon weekend just went up about $50. This does not bode well.
Since I gangstered one of my work checks that's suppoooosed to be for college (I'm terrible, I know) I actually have about.. $700. Still have to pay mom $50 (though I wonder if she forgot about that r_r) and I still owe Victoria $10 for the ACen hotel.. and I'll need to give her another $70-80 for AX. I guess I'll take out about $150 for other expenses while I'm there too. So that leaves me wiiiith.. about $400?
And I just asked mom to buy me a mini tripod for my camera so I can do this stupid animation more efficiently.. god. If she finds one, I hope it's not like.. fucking $50 and TOTALLY the wrong kind of tripod. The one I was looking at on bestbuy.com was $15, but she couldn't be a cool mom and drop by there to get it for me, so she's going to look at Wal-Mart :|
Considering Otakon would cost me about $400 again... yeah. This sucks.
I really hope the flight prices go down again.. augh.
Oh, and all you newly graduated or soon to be graduates of high school. You're gross. My sister is graduating this year too. So you're all like.. my sister's age. And ew.
You make me feel old. And I hate you.
But congratulations anyway.