Jan 25, 2009 22:33
I don't have to work next weeeeeek <3333
But that also means that Ohayocon is closing in, ffffffffff--
I worked on making the belt and buckles for Izanagi's coat before going to work today. Soooo ghettooooo. I STILL have stuff I need to buy to finish that costume DX
And I have a feeling that my hotel stay is going to be super uncomfortable for me lol. Kayla recruited some random people for the room too lower the costs, that's that's going to be weird. I have no idea how many are even staying in the room now. But I guess I shouldn't complain. Cheap room @_@ I think I'll only have to pay like $30 for two nights.
ffffff this whole con is going to be even weird than Otakon. Even though my local friends weren't there with me.. at least I was with people I've had years of past relations with. But Ohayocon... I'm going to be with people that I've only hung out with like.. once outside of ACen. So I don't want to like.. be a bother or anything.
..I guess I could cling around Andy, if anything r___r; I haven't hung out with him since High School fffff.
..oh shit. I can't even really go exploring by myself since I'm going to be half blind in both costumes I'm bringing. CRAP. I should really get over my fear of contact lenses
EDIT: lol.. I like how the Twilight cosplayers are requesting security watch over their gathering.
Lol Twilight cosplayers.
convention: ohayocon