Jan 17, 2007 23:59
Wednesday was alright. I was late for English, as I lost track of time. I wound up making it fortunately. I worked on different things between classes and went to Japanese at 2:40. We went over ”し” which, like most of the stuff in this unit so far, is review for me. Afterward I headed down to GSA. The meeting was pretty pointless. Bobby didn't show up, so it was a planning meeting for the drag show. I guess I'm on the "Guess the Hetero" committee, but it's been postponed because of the fact that if the people trying to guess the hetero know everyone in the line up, then there won't be any challenge. So...we'll see what we do with that. Scott and I spent most of the time discussing what it's like to be gay. Chris and Nicole were with us. I don't really like to talk about gay things a lot because I feel like it highlights the differences between me and straight people, but sometimes it's just nice to have someone to vent to about gay stuff.
I headed to dinner at The Cage after the meeting. I sat with a lot of different people: Scott, Calaya, Julie, Michael Gharst (the GSA president who kind of bugs me), Chris, and tons more. It was a lot of fun. I had to cut it short though to get to 日本会話 (Japanese conversation club). We had two special guests during the club. A former Japanese student from NCC who was now completely fluent in Japanese, and his wife. He was Asian and could've passed for a Japanese person in my book, but I guess his name was Dewey and he grew up in Naperville. I never heard him speak English, though. I really wanted him to! We were split up into two groups. The more advanced group was with Dewey's Japanese wife, while the rest of us were with Dewey and Matsubara sensei. We talked about a number of things. It was tough to follow, of course. At one point the conversation turned to me having a boyfriend. Nina and Amanda were teasing me that I was a pedophile for dating a 17 year old, but I kept replying "ペドファイルじゃないよ!”(I'm no pedophile!). Amanda asked if Bobby was emo because of his emo hair in his Facebook pictures.
Eventually Matsubara sensei started paying attention and asked if Amanda had really meant "かれし” (Kareshi- Bf) instead of ”かのじょう” (Kanojou- Gf), as she'd thought that Amanda had mixed them up.
I told Matsubara sensei that Amanda was right in saying "kareshi".
She replied "honto ni" (really?).
To which I answered "honto!" (really!)
So then they asked me questions about him like where I met him. Then they started asking me about Comart. It was pretty funny, I thought, discussing Comart and Bobby in Japanese. I went with Matsubara sensei, Dewey, and his wife to her office after nihonkaiwa to get the materials for calligraphy. She never stopped speaking in Japanese for the whole time until finally she said, "Oh, Zachary I didn't realize. I've been speaking Japanese the whole time!". It was pretty funny. Art club went well. Not too many showed up. I was the only Freshmen. The rest were Tim Brodeur's (the president) friends...who are pretty much the exec. board. Kaai showed up late to teach us Japanese calligraphy. Everyone thought it was really cool and was really impressed. I practiced my lines, but I still can't get one of them down. And Tim Brodeur is so obviously gay. I just want to shout it in his face!! He's been acting differently towards me lately, ever since I snagged people to teach both Japanese and European calligraphy for art club. Maybe he's just grateful, but he's been super friendly (and I do not mind :P )
I spent the rest of the night wasting time, talking to Aimee on the phone, chatting with Mike and Bobby online, and working on my art project. So, it wasn't a bad night.