
Dec 15, 2006 22:00

Hmmm...not too much happened today. I rode my bike in the "colder than I'd like it to be" weather (how ungentlemanly of me to complain) to the high school to meet Aimee. Together we talked to Jenny and decided to change our Xmas special to a Valentines Day one instead. It's unfortunate, but with Jenny being sick and Dan having back surgery we just can't have a show next week.

Aimee and I hung out at her house for a while. We went to jewel, watched A to Z, and tried, but failed to make pretzel chocolate treats in the oven. The chocolate just wouldn't melt! Later on we picked up Paul and went to Moves. Sometimes that guy can be so dense. He barely even said hi to Aimee and then just talked about PSU in the car for half the ride. I tried to steer the subject towards something we could all get in on, but it's difficult with him. Hanging out with Paul is just tougher and tougher these days. I just want to scream at him sometimes, "Paul!! Notice the other people around you!!" And he always talks about drinking like that's what college is "all about". I swear, our college experiences are so different, and I'm glad that they are. The 6th Position party was fun, despite a lack of sassy Ashley and Mary. The food was great, especially Sabrina's dip. Dancing was fun too, though being in a room with a bunch of dancers is a bit intimidating >_<.

Aimee took me back to my house at about nine, and I've been hanging around since.

Oh, and I don't think I mentioned in my last blog that on Wednesday night Mike and I hopped the unstable fence near Clark Island and explored it. It was really muddy and we had trouble at first getting into the pavilion, but it was fun. I love exploring the weirder parts of town, though there wasnt' much light.
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