Tues-Canada Day

Jul 01, 2006 01:44

Tuesday- I slept in until nearly noon, as I was tired from staying up with the exchange students at the departure orientation. I hung around the house for a few hours and then called Ian to make plans. He had to finish writing thanks you cards (18 of them!!) and said he would call me back. He didn't, of course, and wound up out cell phone shopping with Sarah. I then called Aubrey, 3-way called with Mike, and successfully set up plans. After some brief chores, I, with Miles in tow, picked up Mike and Aubrey and drove to the Commons. Our first stop was Barnes and Noble to get my address book that had come in. The man took forever to find it (12 or so minutes) as it was behind some other orders. It was a total repeat of the last time I was there! So, that ate up more time then we had, as the mall was closing at nine. We stopped into the Gap for a second and I saw awesome flip flops, but did not buy them as I feared I would run out of money for the sunglasses I wanted. Those sunglasses, which I bought at Aeropostale, turned out to be only eight dollars, though their price tag said otherwise (19.50 my eye!). Oh, I also bumped into Erin and Lynn. I didn't have time to go back to the Gap but was happy with my awesome new shades. I drove everyone back to my house where Miles insisted on a Monopoly rematch. He, Mike, and I played until the good shows on Adult Swim were over. We decided on doing it that way because Aubrey didn't want to play, but we wanted to make sure she was entertained. By the time we stopped playing Mike and I were winning, as Miles was having awful luck (he landed on my spaces five turns in a row). Oh, and I rolled nines five out of six turns. It was nuts. We played some Super Smash Brothers with Aubrey, which was fun. Eventually Miles and Nick drove Aubrey and Mike home, respectively.

Wednesday- Around noon Mom, Jason, Miles, and I went to Chicago to visit Uncle Johnny and Aunt Artemis. The visit was short, but satisfying. It's strange to see the man that I remember being so spry as such an elderly person now. Uncle Johnny is the same as Grandpa, but the similarities end there. He's in a wheel chair, is hard of hearing, and seems very feeble. It's sad in a way, but expected. Artemis is as lively as ever, though. He asked us all about our lives and Artemis served sandhiches and sent us home with a bag full. After some mid afternoon shorts shopping at Kohl's, I went over to Ian's. I hung out for a few hours on Wednesday (oh, and I slept in again). I saw his new phone and messed around with it. It was one of those strange, casual times and Ian's house where I mostly sit in his kitchen while he does stuff all over the house. So, I talked to Mrs. Klein and Sarah a good deal. I even got to see Ian's room! Eventually, he drove me home. Miles and I had planned on going jogging with Aubrey, but it didn't pan out. At 9:30 Paul picked Miles, Merika, Mike, and I up and we drove to Randall 16. We met up with Corey K. and some others there. Miles and I also managed to bother Bobby who was working at the time. Two hours later we walked out of Superman Returns. I hadn't seen the other movies in a while, but I liked this one. The plot was good. I liked the new,different relationship between Superman and Louis. Lex Luthor's girlfriend was pretty funny, though she always dressed like she was from the 1940's. The main action part of the movie was surprisingly short and quickly resolved, but that was my only complaint.

Thursday- I read comics and blogged until work. I also worked on my New Mutants quiz, which I finally finished. Typoes aside, I was quite proud of it! I was lazy at work...but had a good time. I really love the library. After work, I changed into jogging clothes and met Aubrey and Miles and (briefly) Jamie, Keith's former gf, at the Depot Museum. We jogged the loop from the museum, through Fabyan, and back, though we stopped short and walked maybe a quarter of half mile. The jog was enjoyable. I even got to sprint after a bunny. Oh, and Aubrey had never heard of Bic pens. Weird! We got home and ate leftovers. Mike and Merika called Miles before we started Ian and insisted that they come over to talk about a possibly road trip. Miles, Aubrey, and I were opposed to the idea because were were tired and didn't want to be surrounded by Mike, Merika, Paul, and Aimee. Luckily, Paul and Aimee didn't come through, so things were pretty quiet. We decided to go to S. Dakota to see the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, and camp in a Forest Preserve. We estimated the drive at about 16 hours (gosh!). I'm a little wary about going, as it would be only a few days after my return from Japan. My mom's not enthusiastic about me going either. Still, it may just be a memory of a lifetime, so I don't know. I'm leaning more and more towards "yes". Mike and Aubrey soon departed. Merika stuck around, and we watched TV in the basement.

Friday- Before work, Miles and I went to the bank, and I tried to go to the Commons to buy those flip flops I spied days earlier, but I had to turn back because of time constraints. I'm really satisfied with how much money I have in the bank and have more then I expected to have by now. I might even be able to pay off the plain ticket to Japan. I was dreading work, as the Friday shift is a lonely one, but Mackenzie and Becka were there. I shelved a double Jnon cart, a J/Jpbk cart, and also did some J-reject. It was unbearable! I made it through, though and checked out a book for Miles on Russian region of Dagestan. Mom picked me up and we swung by the Gap at the Commons, so I could get those flip flops. They were only four dollars and are surprisingly comfortable! From there, Mom vented her anger at Dad on my in the car (ugh). Dad picked Miles and I up. Dad left us at the corner of Union and Jefferson and we drove to Aubrey's.

Aubrey was a nice hostess, selfless as ever. We ate salad with Craisins and a frozen pizza. It was great. Cookies and brownies were for desert, which I declared I needed as I was falling asleep during Final Fantasy Advent Children. Prior to watching the movie, we watched an overview of FFVII which seems like a really cool game with a complex plot. The movie was alright. It was animated beautifully, but was basically a stringing together of fight scenes. Still, I enjoyed it. After some hilarious "Ask a Ninja" movies on Aubrey's computer and a dozen rounds of some Final Fantasy-themed fighting game, Miles and I returned home at 10:30.

Today! Canada Day- I woke up late, barely studied for Japanese, and had a horrible lesson :( :( :( I figured out more of my itinerary for my Japan trip, though. I think my last week will be Hiroshima for two days, Kyoto for three, Nara for one (a city just south of Kyoto), and Tokyo for two and a half. Dad picked me up, I went home, made a melt, read the paper, and watched some television. It was very relaxing!

At about 1:10 I headed over to The Becker's house to mow the lawn. No adults were home, but Kit, her sister Dana, friend Hannah (now Lily), and housemates, Mikah and "Meme" (what was her name?) were there. Two gas refillings, full bags of grass, and a nest of bunnies would get in the way of my mowing by the time I finished two hours and fifteen minutes later. The story with the bunnies was that at one point when I was mowing, three little bunnies ran out from nowhere, though I only thought there were two at the time. One ran into the rest of the lawn, while the other ran into the cut part. It let me get really close to it. Close enough that I could touch it, though I didn't. Eventually all of the kids from the house came out to look at for a while and Kit took picture. Hannah went back in with everyone but came out with gloves to move the bunny so I didn't mow over it. It was so cute. It was only about four and a half inches long. As she came out, one bunny ran into the neighbor's yard and another ran past the bunny we'd gotten close to. For some reason when bunny #2 ran past our bunny, our bunny started to make a bunny shriek. At first I thought it was a bird. It was about the pitch of a Cicada. It was so odd! Hannah picked it up, regardless, and moved it into the neighbor's yard.

I rode home around 3:50, took a shower, changed clothes, and ate yogurt. Miles got home and we just hung around. After dinner I went over to Connie's house with Dad where I met her brother and identical looking sister-in-law. She looked so much like Connie! We chatted on Connie's patio about Wisonsin and Ohio. Connie had lives in both states, having grown up in the former. After about a hour Dad and I left. I called Miles in the car, and he and Mike agreed to pick me up. We drove to a hang out that Mike Meaden and Corey were headed to. It was on State St. in Geneva. It was called The Cave and was totally awesome. It was a humble former office building, where, for a small fee of 3 dollars an hour per controller, one could play any PS2, GameCube, or XBox game. It was great! I played Guitar Hero, ping pong (which was free), Super Smash Brothers, and hearts. Eventually Jake Tarter and Pat Richter also showed up. The place is pretty new...we're guessing it opened in the last few months. I am so excited about it. Finally, a place for teens to hang out! It was so cool.

So, that was my week. I have so many things I want to and have to do before I leave for Japan in eight days. I have a list of 15 things with only three "maybe"s! Agh!

Japanese word of day: "Isogashi" which means "busy"

summer fun, movie, hajimemasu

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