High Speed Chase. *SLAM* Run for it!

Dec 31, 2005 00:43

Alright, so what have I been doing this break...

20thThrew a white elephant Christmas party. Five people couldn't come (Maddie included). There were lots of fights between Miles and I. Livi and Sam had problems about not being invited (later resolved). We ate fajitas. I got in a dumb argument with Merika and Lynn. The movie was good (that's what we argued about). So, an okay party.

21stWent to the Geneva Commons with Megan and Mike to finish Christmas shopping. Mike soon left, but Meghan and I continued shopping and I finally finished. We ate at Rolly Polly (great restaurant) and I spent my last dime. We had a great time together and I decided, after talking with Meghan, to follow my gut and to Japan this summer instead of England (Sorry Graham).

22nd Went to work and arrived home at Dad's to meet Graham and Rachel. Rachel was quiet, but we chatted. They then all drove me to Aimee's party and "crashed it", but moreso, just came downstairs and talked while all the girls said "who's that?". Aimee gave out a ton of great gifts and I got cute bunny erasers. I talked to Jade and had a blast. I later got a heartfelt note from Aimee (though I didn't cry) and an awesome "art of Totoro" book with comments from the creators and everything!

23rd Miles and I helped Mr.Seidell finish fixing the car. I couldn't believe it had been fixed so fast! Parking it in the garage, it smelled so familiar and nice.I worked on Merika's Xmas gift and had a fight with my mom (she was being totally weird). I made merika a grungy bracelet thing out of strip of shirt sleeve. I used my pretty much non-existant sewing skills to do so...I hope it doesn't fall apart. I went over to Aimee's and wrapped presents all of my presents. Aimee did a really good job wrapping...I didn't do as well. We then went out and developed photos at Jewel which was REALLY busy and went to Target and bugged Mike. We asked him to show us where the scrap-booking stuff was, but he couldn't go beyond a certain part of the store (it was so mystical). I then drove to Sam's where we hung out for a bit and I dropped Aimee off and went home. Driving was a bit intimidating for me because the car had just been fixed and I hadn't driven in a month.

24th a.k.a. Christmas Eve Exhanged gifts with Merika and I really don't remember what else happened. I called up Graham and he, Rachel, Miles, and I hung out at Dad's until the church service. The service went well and I sat next to two women who seemed to be unfamiliar to the church.

XmasI think I already went over this. I woke up at my mom's and was very tired. I got a lot of great presents and went over to Dad's at eleven. Miles opened an unmarked present at mom's that was really meant for Jess, so he was surprised to see a pink sweater. For a second I thought it was for Miles and he tried to look pleased. We were late, but it didn't matter. We hung out at Dad's with Rachel, Graham, and Shella and had a great time. After Graham and Rache left to go to Glenn's for dinner, I listened to CDs, watched my "Star Wars" DVD and did some Su Doku puzzles. Dinner was wonderful and Shella made grean bean casserole.

26th I saw "Memoirs of a Geisha" with aimee and it felt so good to spend money again. We parked in my favorite spot (by the marsh wall) and sat in my favorite kind of theater (the little one). The movie was very good and didn't drag on at all despite its length. The scenes were just beautiful and the love story came out happy in the end. After two hours of orderly Japanese people, seeing Americans in the movie (it was set in the 1930s and '40s, though I had been thinking it was somewhere in the late 19th century) was kind of annoying. They seemed really obnoxious.

27th (Tuesday) I tagged along with Miles and Mike and, sort of, grafted my plans onto their's. They took me to the bank and the DMV. After forty minutes (AGH, SO LONG!) I got a replacement licnense and put it in my new Welsh wallet (which I love). We drove to the mall and Miles parked really far from the entrance. It was a little hard to get there because Mom gave us bad directions. I new what street to turn onto, though, and we got there. The one ability of mine that I've always been most proud of is my ability to navigate. I know that sounds like bragging, but I enjoy it almost as much as the fact that my feet don't smell (such an Adonis I am...). I got sam Dr.Slump at Borders and got myself a mangag called "Genshiken", which, having now finished it, completely dislike. It's all about stupid horny kids who love hentai. The only character I liked was the girl who thinks they're all repulsive. Ugh, I wish I could just return it. Anywho, we went to H&M and I bought the sparkly, plad, button-down shirt that I"ve been craving for months. I love it!! The rest of the mall was standard. We went to 2Cool for Miles to get Sam a gift (he got her an anime pillow) and radio shack and stuff for Mike to find an Ipod case. I didn't find a wall calendar.

I went over to Sam's at five (Aimee picked me up) to help set up for the surprise party. I blew up balloons and Aimee taped decorations to the walls (taboo). The part was a blast. Sam was so surprised (though she'd read about it in an e-mail of her mom's earlier...). We had an awesome scavenger hunt. I was on a team with Lauren and Nancy and we thought we did really well in our half an hour, but we came in last out of the three teams. We got 15/20 items, but did get a realy 100 dollar bill (it was the tie breaker). We had to give it back to Mark, though. We ate lots of junk food and watched "Van Hellsing". Mike showed up towards the tail end and I read "Genshiken" in Sams bubbly chair.

28th Wednesday I worked on my much overdue international Christmas presents. Merika picked me up at 4:45 and we went to the AMC to see "Brokeback Mountain". She insisted on paying for me as a super early birthday gift because we had been talking about seeing it forever. We sat close up and the screen was huge. The movie was great . It was, of course, very hot at times, but was a love story and eventually a tragedy. I really enjoyed it. I slept over at Paul's afterward with Miles. We had a lot of fun and played SSBM on a team of three against a handicapped computer, "Gladius". "PSO", and watched "Cody Banks 2", though I instantly fell asleep.

29th Yesterday I worked on my much overdue international Xmas presents (or MOICP) and went to work. Afteward, I skipped the lock-in at the Congregational Church and went out shopping with Mike (but not Paul and Miles who didn't feel like it). I bought a wall calendar (the same Pez one I bought Britta) and looked for the t.A.t.U. CD to no avail. We stopped by Caribou where I saw JENNY UPTON and MIKE BRESNAHA and Co. I'd forgotten how much I'd missed them!!! I talked non-stop with them about "Brokeback Mountain" and "Memoirs of a Geisha", which they'd both recently seen like me. Caribou closed soon after we arrived though...Mike and I headed over to Kyle's where we watched the funny, but mostly grotesque "Drawn Together" and talked. Tim, Gabby, Erin, and Christina were there, but it was really boring...

Today I called some more people about the Japanese New Year's Eve party Laya Hess and I are throwing. Merika and I canceled clubbing because Mission is twenty and over on Fridays. Mom drove Laya and I to Supermarket Asia in Naperville where we shopped. It was so nostalgic seeing so many of the same things I'd hat in Japan. I had to buy Pocari Sweat and Calpice (a.k.a Cowpiss). I could never tell if we were buying too much food or too little...afterward, I spent a few hours completely finishing all of my MOICP stuff, but was too late to send it off. I went to Dad's via Graham who was a timid driver, but in a comical way. I'm going with him and his friend BJ tomorrow to Chicago and am very excited because he knows his was around the city and it's been four years since I've been to the city with him. I am not excited about A. Spending money in the city and B.spending a ridiculous amount of money on shipping my MOICP tomorrow morning. I want my Xmas money to last :(
I headed over to Paul's where Mike also was. Merika came over later, slightly mad that I'd forgotten to call her back about plans. Paul's house was REALLY BORING, so we talked about going to Ian's. Instead, I wound up in Mike's car driving at uncomfortable speeds down slushy roads trying to lose Merika who was Paul's car. We drove down Morton to Garfield to an alley to Morton to the short street that takes one to Walnut to Whipple to 31 to Roberts Lane to Morton and then I decided to try to escape to Aimee's. I called her up and she said I could come over. So, we took Harrison to Garfield and I jumped out of the car and ran back to Harrison. Mike drove off. Paul stopped, confused and Merika jumped out to chase after me. I was determined to get away and made it to Aimee's where Mike had escaped (my original plan had been to somehow ditch him too). Merika and Paul tried to call us on our cell phone's but we didn't answer (Aimee did actually, feigning ignorance). They eventually got pretty pissy. We played "Parappa the Rappa 2" on Aimee's new PS2 and Mike left. Aimee and I hung out for an hour and a half and it had seemed like forever since I'd seen her. I guess she had been trying to call me to do tons of fun things with me, but hadn't gotten a hold of me :( I walked home in the snow and it was very peaceful.

So, was that long or what?

holidays, chrimbo, good times, parties, movies, winter break

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