Aaahh! Summer's coming to a close!

Aug 20, 2005 08:15

Well, I guess it had to happen...*giant sigh*. In other news, I'm thinking of abandoning my blog and restarting a journal. I just feel like I want to see what that's like for a while, plus it's easier. I'd probably throw myself into my myspace if that happened, though.

Wednesday- I called people about the movie plans and I called Aimee and Marge from work. Marge said that she would call me back about scheduling, so I had to wait around at home. I wish I knew her last name, though. Unlike everyone else, I'm not a big fan of calling bosses by their first names. I mean, I know America is a very casual country, but I at least want to have some formality with my boss. Anywho, Merika came over and Aimee did too eventually. I found out that my work schedule is Mondays, Thursdays, every other Saturday, and occasional Sundays. So, not bad at all! Aimee and I organized my Japanese pictures and talked about the confusing world of scrap booking. She left at four and Merika, Miles, and I drove to the Japanese garden in Geneneva.

We FINALLY completed one of our last-minute summer goals! We used the mysterious, partially spent disposable cameras from the Intrepid and took pictures. THe garden was really beautiful. I think the best picture was when Merika was pretending to push Miles off of a bridge. We took a few more pictures at the surrounding areas and then drove off. Oh, and we saw Anna's red-haired friend jogging too.

We drove to Ian's and Paul's, but they weren't home. Miles was extremely hungry, and was exasperated because I was driving so leisurely (a.k.a. slowly). We went back to my house and hung out. Merika left soon before dinner, and Miles and I headed over to Kristen's party.

It was a fun little party. Livi, Lauren, Miles, Alex Falls, Sabrina, eventually Aimee, and I were all there. Paul Jurgins (Jergins?) and Aubrey didn't show. We talked a lot and then played night games. Well, basically just "Black Panther". It was a lot of fun. I was the leader in the first round and lost. We decided to hide people in different spots instead of al in one clump, as is the standard, so it was pretty tough.

Thursday- I hung around the house and drew for my locker. Miles drew me a picture, as well, which I colored. I went to work at four until seven and had an average shift. I went to my dad's afterward to find that Miles wasn't there oddly. I ate lasagna and set up plans with Ian. I went to his house at about 9:30. Ian, Kristi, Kelly, and eventually Sarah (is that her name?...the girl from Rosary) were there. We played a little four square, badly, and went to the park near Shabonna. We were equally bored there and Kristi was getting..."miffed". I said we could go to my mom's house, so we did. Sarah and I drove alone, while Kelly, Ian, and Kristi had some sort of fight in Kristi's car...

We watched some of "Glass House" at my house and I went back to Dad's. Then I proceeded to stay up REALLY LATE.

Friday- I woke up early, as well (dead tired at this point) and got ready. I went to my mom's and called the church about the movie plans. Like I expected, the teachers had already started to move in. Nancy could still not be contacted, Merika was grounded, and Miles was in no way ready..and Nikki couldn't come. So, yeah, canceled those plans. I got a hair cut and came back home. I then made quick plans with Mike about going to Chicago. We went off to the bank and did deposits and withdrawals. I haven't made any deposits in almost a month!! That's not good!! I have to really start depositing!! Give me more money work...of course I don't like to work a that doesn't really work out..

Anywho, My mom (accompanied by Miles n' Ian) dropped us off at the train station. We bought grilled cheese sandwhiches and walked around a bit. We retired to a stone under a pine tree and talked. The train ride was long, but fun. We talked a lot. We talked about premarital sex and how Mike didn't really think it was a big deal if someone had it. I thought that it wasn't HUGE, but I wouldn't do it, I mean, I still think that waiting was preferable. I still don't think they're should be sex age laws, though. I mean, I understand protection from rape and stuff, but it just doesn't seem like that's a place where the government should be butting in. If a girl in my class has sex at 16 she didn't commit a crime.

We walked to Millenium Park, after asking some directions and looking at a map at Walgreens. We looked at the giant bean contstruction and walked in the water that was falling from the giant faces. It was hot, though. We then went to the Art Institute where there was surprisingly no realy entrance fee. Seven dollars was STRONGLY suggested, but not required. The woman tried her best to make us pay the seven, too. She was saying, "Oh, so you're not going to pay the seven?" like she was surprised. It was very guilt-tripping, but we both payed six (I wanted to pay five, though). We first went briefly to see some Native, Central, South, American art. We then went to a very cool midieval weapons display. The armor was really cool and they weapons were just amazing. I was most amazed, by the weapons used to attack horses. We also looked at decorative plate and goblets, oh and jewel-encrusted crosses.

We tried to get into the 1890's French exhibit (Talouse latrec or whatever), but didn't have the right tickets. We went to some painting rooms and sculpture rooms instead. I like the sculptures a lot, especially a round one with two men and two women on it who were looking lost and depressed, but holding hands. There was also a painting of a hair man wearing little, black, underpants, and I joked that I would buy it for Mike at the gift shop. We went to a Greek/Roman/Etruscan exhibit after that. I tried to point out how Marcus Aurelius had love handles, but my had got too close and a short alarm went off. Mike and I jumped back in fright, and he was mad at me. Then a guy with a baby pouch in front set it off, so it wasn't so bad. We left soon after.

We walked down Michigan Avenue. We saw a very strange woman on the way. She had elf ears, green skin, and a matching green dress. It was all the same color. She would stay perfectly still and then move quite robotically if one gave her money. I have her dime. She was really cool, though Mike and I were both a bit intimidated by her. We walked more and went to the Virgin Megastore. We then went down further and saw a red woman. She had a head rap and and her red feet and shoes were showing. I have her a quarter on our way back later and she curtsied and slightly smiled at me!! We went to Water Tower Place and looked for a messenger bag for Mike. Only the gap really had a good one, but it was 68$! We looked for Express Men, but it had moved. At that point, we were both really tired and hungry at that point and went to McDonalds. Mike got two burgers and water, I got a burger, chocolate milk, and an ice cream cone. After waiting forever for the elevators (one passed right by us, and it wasn't even the express elevator) we left.

We checked out H&M and walked back. We stopped at Ralph Lauren, but were scared away by the overwhelming granduer of the store. It was covered in portraits and had thick, oak railings! We got back to the train station, two calls from Mike's mom, and many mysterious "building drips" later. We kept expecting to get to the station earlier, but we got there eventually. We got on the 6:10 train and set off. We actually had been looking at the wrong part of the train schedule and had thought that we would get a 5:58 train, so we were lucky to find one so close to out incorrect time.

We sprawled out on the train and texted Aimee "Lazy Town" clues. She didn't know who we were, but she figured it out. We called her and found that she was at work, but we talked for a little. A baby started crying, so Mike and I moved into another car.

We got to the trainstation at 7:20 and waited, called, and walked around for fifteen minutes, for Miles to show up. He got there at 7:35 and we drove to Nikki's.

Her party was fun. Mike Meaden, Henning, Greg, Dawson, Laya, Dean and Jessica and her friend Jess (towards the end), Tim Lipman, and Jake Tarter were there. We made a small whirpool in her pool, played pool volleyball, played some Taboo, and I ate fruit salad. It was nice and relaxing.

Now I have to desperately study for Japanese...

Japanese word of the day: "Konbanwa" it means "good evening" and I had to teach this to Mr.Klein on Thursday.

chicago, japanese things, parties

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