
Jun 22, 2005 23:32

Monday- So...I was bored again on Monday. I went to VBS in the morning. I drove myself and Ian gave me a tour of the additions. They're pretty nice. The windows are designed very uniquely. They're very angular. The new youth leader was a twenty-something who I met once before at a church scavenger hunt. Her name is Kari. The other kids in the VBS drama groups are Cassie Wagner, her cousin Brook, two middle school girls, a 13 year-old boy, Matt Winecke, and Ian's cousin, Connor. The theme of VBS this year is "Serengeti" and there are lots of catchy songs involved with repetitive choreography.

I called up Mike later and he decided to come over. I went to the bank first and deposited some paychecks and tip money. Gregor and Mrs. King were there as well. I stopped by Mike's and we made copies of two of my New Mutant issue covers. Mike first showed me his England pictures, which were pretty interesting. The architecture was very classical and beautiful. We had some trouble making copies of the covers, but we eventually got it. I drove Mike to my house and we watched "The Forgotten". It was a pretty good movie. It was a very suspensful thriller with Juliane Moore, a good "one time watch". Mike went home around six thirty. I was in my room and missed dinner. I got mad at my mom for not including me and how we never seem to eat together anymore. She blamed it on me for losing track of time, but if she had really cared about including me she could've come and gotten me. So, I stayed up late and made New Mutants buttons.

Tuesday- I played a dumb soldier in the "Daniel and the Lions' Den". The role was pretty funny and I had a good time. We chowed down on trail mix and Megan Miscofski and I explored the upstairs hallway for fun but heard a cough coming from the the elevator as we rounded the corner. We thought it was Ian and hid for a little. We found him downstairs and tried to make him admit he had been stalking us through subtle hinting. He was very confused and we concluded that the cough musn't have been him. I rode to Aimee's afterward and we flew a kit at AGS. It was a Wiggles kite. There was little wind, but we still flew it pretty succesfully. We played a little frisbee too, but it was really hot, so we went back to Aimee's. I had a pizza lunchable for lunch and some leftover stirfry. Sam was making rice, but didn't put the water in the right spot of the rice machine, so it took her over an hour to make rice. To pass the time we watched music videos on On Demand. We watched a country one and "I'm Not Okay" by "My Chemical Romance". Oh! We also saw a pretty good Britney Spears mix. It blended very well, but didn't include "Lucky" or "Prerogative" (ugh I just endorsed her...). Aimee and I sang some karaoke. I left to go to work eventually. Work went as usual. I had a table of nice old women that I'd had before. I got a table right at 8:00, so I was the last out. I had to help Ann (the half Japanese manager) count money before I left.

Wednesday- Megan and Ian had to leave early in VBS, so it wasn't as fun as usual. I talked to Brook and ate trail mix for a while. Cassie Wagner had a short argument with Matt Winecke about rap and appreciating things you don't like, but Matt was being his stubborn, opinionated self. Mrs. Klein drove me home and we discussed college. I got home and made some calls about my movie plans. I then started planning an art piece for my host parents. I decided to divide the canvas into different things that I did/saw in Japan that kind of fade into one another. Work went as usual. It was slow and I was there for a REALLY long time. One table was there for THREE AND A HALF HOURS! They were the reason I had to stay so late. I bought some bread pudding, though and ate it. It was pretty darn good. They finally finished and I drove home. Oh! I dropped a whole pot pie during my shift. It was so embarrasing! Able cleaned it up. I drove straight to Kim's goodbye party. I talked to Kristen Garrison a lot and signed a lot of Kim and Xin Yu's stuff. I'll miss them. The exchanged boy from Honduras was also there. I'd met him briefly a few times before. Kristen and I left at ten after ten and went to my house to get a photo of me for some kind of surprise for Kim. I drove badly/embarrassingly. I talked to Mrs.Ziffer a bit when I came back. I left at around eleven o'clock.

The Japanese Word of the day is: "Shimauma", literally "stripe horse", it means "zebra"


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