Oct 16, 2005 14:35
I went to the UC Santa Cruz Preview Day yesterday. It was quite nice. There were a whole bunch of tables set up with brochures about the different majors, so I loaded up on Marine Biology papers, and Bioinformatics, which looks neat, and went and talked to the lady at the language table. She said that they don't offer a minor in Spanish right now, oh, but I could do a double major (eep). I could also Create My Own major, which sounds interesting, but would require Organizational Skills That I Do Not Have. *sigh* So maybe I'll just take a few spanish classes to keep me happy. *shrug* Then I went to the education abrod table, and picked up all sorts of pamphlets on the places their program goes, let's see, I have: United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland, Barbados, New Zealand, Singapore, France, Mexico, Italy, Costa Rica, AUSTRALIA, Spain, Brazil, Egypt, and Chile. Sweeeet. My method for picking and choosing pamphlets went something like this; Countries with Marine Biology opportunities, Countries that speak spanish or something close to it, aaand everything else, just for the hell of it. Whee. Then me and my sister went into the Bay Tree Bookstore, where I was supremely entertained by this magazine they had on display. It went something like this:
Me: *Sees magazine with hippie family on the front. They are standing in a forest, Mummie, daddie, baby chewing on twig, all draped in Modern Hippie clothes. The magazine says it's for the Modern Family and Alternative Lifestyle, which could basically mean anything, but the front cover makes guessing easy.*
Me: *Opens up to front page, giggles, closes*
Sister: *approaches*
Me: Hey Becca, look at this magazine.
Sister: Hmm. Hippies.
Me: Watch this.
Sister: Okay.
Me: *opens up to very front page ad*
Magazine: BUY THE NEW HUMMER 3!! *radioactive orange glow*
Me: *giggles again*
Sister: Wow. That's disgusting.
Then we took a little tour of the campus starting with the Largest Classroom In The World (it had a motorized blackboard) where they were having a little lecture about the points system for admission for people who don't bother to read the admission and selection information that is shoved into the hands of everyone who visits Preview Day. Basically some guy from admissions who narrated and answered questions to a PowerPoint presentation.
We took a little walk to the open music rehearsals. They have some very nice music buidings. A gorgeous concert hall thing, about the size of the LO Little Theatre, except new and incredibly acoustic. Specifically for the music programs. Imagine that. We then traversed the halls of one of the music buildings, where they have music classrooms, and dropped in on a class where they were singing in what I'm pretty sure was Italian. It was quite beautiful, the singing, and we stayed there for maybe 45 minutes to an hour just listening.
Then we walked to Kresge college thorugh to Porter, and I looked at all the little student-done murals, and we checked out the cute little organic food co-op at Kresge. After we were done touring Porter/Kresge colleges we thought we were ready to go, and Becca was getting a bit tired, so we decided to take the campus shuttle service to the car at Cowell college. When we were almost at Cowell, I freaked out because I saw a guy with a lacrosse stick, and I went all fangirly. We got off the bus, and my sister went to go hide and pretend not to be associated with me while I interrogated him about Lacrosse at the college. His answers were favorable. The teams aren't associated with specifically certain colleges within UCSC, they aren't club teams, so we'd be playing other colleges. Whee. Then he had to go catch his bus.
My sister and I then walked down a little forest trail through to the sports field which is fantastic. We saw some more lacrosse players walking away from the field, men's practice had apparently let out 45 minutes before. They had left the goals out, so I examined them. They're a bit old, but I'm sure they have more. Hell, my current team has four goals. There were no lacrosse lines painted on the field, but it wasn't the season, so that was to be expected. Anyway, the grass was nice and springy, a bit on the longish side but not too long to run on, the ground wasn't so hard that a lax ball would bounce, and it wouldn't roll very far either. The field was on a sort-of cliff, it looked out over the ocean and Santa Cruz harbor. It was gorgeous. The only problem I could find with it was that it appeared to be one of the lowest points on campus, so that when it rained gravity would make the field a bit muddy. But supposedly it doesn't rain that much. It gets misty in the morning though. What else? Oh, there was a nice little all-weather track around it. Ground-up rubbery stuff, you know what it looks like. No lines painted on it or anything, and maybe the width of two running lanes, I think it was a mile around. Though I'm bad at judging distance, so it could have been a half-mile. I don't know if UCSC has a track team, but if they do, I'm sure they have another track that's huge, and has like, ten lanes, and is marked and everything somewhere else. I just didn't see it, that's all.
And then we walked back to my sister's car, and drove back to her little rented room. The end.
Oh Yeah: Pat, Spencer, anyone who wants to go to Rocky Horror, we should Make Plans. Oh fuck it, I'll get a friggin' MySpace.