Mar 15, 2008 16:00
As I forgot to actually mention it (though most of you already know), I did get the job! My new title is "Clinical Research Manager," which sounds much more interesting and impressive than 'Professional Paper Pusher." The new me starts on Monday, and I have to train her before I can move on, so it'll be a few weeks yet.
New job has already paid off in one mega-interesting and yet totally disgusting Tumor Board. Yesterday morning. Seven thirty-five AM.
Autopsy photos.
I have never wanted to vomit so much in my life. Our insides are not nice looking, but when you have diverticulitis and ascites? Your insides are really, really not nice looking.
And I can explain what those are now!
In other news, it's lonely while everyone is in England. Ms Bunny even thinks so, as she has tried to cuddle me a few times. Then she realizes it's me and gets disgusted with herself. Neil has endeavored to keep me entertained, with a trip to the mall and also seeing The Mountain Goats on Thursday night. They're awfully fun. The crowd was interesting, as it generally is at Pearl St. Hipsters and scene kids abounded!
Neil got pulled over on the way home, so that kinda sucked.
oh hay it's teh cancer,
coffee fiends anonymous,
all alone again,
d-e-d ded!