Feb 22, 2008 20:32
I had hot breakfast this morning. And it was everything I dreamed it would be! It's actually quite cool at Tumor Board, a lot cooler than it sounds. The people I've told about it, I've explained it by comparing it to an episode of House. Doctors sitting around, trying to figure out the best way to go about treating a patient. Only our doctors don't tend to get so many of those, "O EM GEE! There are two options, but the treatment for the first one will KILL HIM! And if he has the second one and we don't guess right, it will KILL HIM!" I mean, yeah, cancer kills people, but it's not usually that dire.
So, Tumor Board + hot breakfast = happy Erin.
If I get the position I applied for, I'll get to go to Tumor Board every week! In fact, if I'm really good, D will even let me turn the lights on and off while the radiologist and pathologist show their films and slides and point at things with bent up paperclips! (D actually has a drawer compartment devoted to Dr. S - he's one of the radiologists - and his bent paperclips. He doesn't like to point at lesions with his finger, he has to use his special pointers.)
So, no news yet. J told me I should know by the end of the week...but it's Friday night. I don't know. Maybe next week.
If I don't get it, I'll be disappointed. But I suppose life will go on. It'd be neat to have a name badge with a fancy title, though!
In other news: SNOW! It snowed again today. No Spring in sight.
Inspired by Mansdrew, I'm watching MST3K on YouTube. I'm currently just past the halfway mark on "Cave Dwellers." What a terrible, terrible movie. Even worse than "Mitchell," if such a thing is possible.
cinematic disaster,
oh hay it's teh cancer,
hot breakfast!,
beautiful winter my ass!,