Jun 14, 2005 21:03
Gah, I'm developing a serious DDR addiction. I just burned 300 calories on workout mode. Needless to say, I'm a little winded and quite sweaty.
In more serious news, I want to both strangle and hug Howard Dean -- while it's technically true that most Republicans are white Christians, because, well, most Americans are white Christians, he should be well aware that such statements are bound to land one in deep doodoo. Also, if you want coveted "red state" support (and the red + blue state thing is kind of bullshit -- if you look at the actual percentages, they're relatively close in most states), don't say something that can be spun to look as though you're dissing Christianity.
I still like him, though. *displays ex-Deaniac badge half in pride, half in shame* At least he has a spine, something sorely missing from the party as a whole. *glare*