
Mar 27, 2009 11:40

i have been on this medication for depression/regulation of my sleep and guess axniety. i didnt know the mediation was used to treat that. i got on it bc i relized the biggest effect of depression is my sleep...either thats all i do.....i could litterly stay in bed for days (and have) OR i just wont sleep at all. I"m currently i the unable to sleep mood. If you remember my 1st semester at iwu...i never slept, sometimes b/c i simply couldn't fall alseep. other times i would keep myself busy as a distraction. 2nd semester at iwu is an eample of the opposit...i would sleep in and then just stay in bed till 2-4 pm then i would finalyl get up and get my computer and stacy ward had the same we would go get wildcat...come back to her room and watch movies and lay around untill it was time for bed. neither is healthy. this medication was great for blancig that..and if i was a college student that needed to be up till 2 working on a project and then go to class at 7:50 am i could still take it...i didnt need a certian amout of helped me fall alseep and when i wake up...i'm up. very good. very helpful. the only sucky thing is if someone slammed a door and woke me up or something...i was up. typically it just gave me a good excuse to get to breakfast or do my hair.

i was REQUIRED by malone to buy their insurance...
and they REFUSE to prescribe my medication...

my mom lost her job last year so i dont ahve any other medical insurance
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