I'm so sick of this "big brother" crap. Not the big brother in the sense of 'ooo you are being watched all the time', no big brother in the sense that, you start to become really good friends with another person, and then you are too good of a friend to date because you are practically their big brother.
I wish I had a dime for everytime I heard, "no I can't date you, I wouldn't want to screw up what we've got, you're practically my brother." You know what, fuck that. The best thing for you is right underneath your nose, and you can't even tell that it's there. I'm not ranting because this has happened to me. Well... it has, but not this time. It just pisses me off in general that people play this game.
I just want to invent some "wake-the-fuck-up-and-realize" gun that when fired, makes whoever it hits open up their eyes and see the situation from a better perspective, the one where they realize that the best one for them is this guy that they "couldn't possibly date".
Eff that stuff. grr...
in other news I finished a piece of artwork for Sass. She asked me a few weeks ago to submit something for an artist thing... I don't know, but I gave her a piece, it looked something like this.