I am, I said...

May 21, 2007 00:10

Ok, so, I'll be frank here. I pretty much started this thing up to do silly, vain, pointless things like post on newestwrinkle and to live vicariously through, well, you. I might end up posting some stuff here, I might not. I spend far too much time on the internet as it is though, and I've got to prioritize. Sigh.

Anyways, just to prove that I'm not (any) creepy(-er than you), here's a link to my flickr, and to my silly fashion blog.

Also, as of right now, I'm making this thing FRIENDS ONLY, not somuch to protect myself since I'm already splayed all over the place, but the folks I might feel inclined to talk about. Not everyone is as down with net as I am and that's cool.

Add me if you want, odds are I'll add you back. I would love a couple words as to why you added me, or about yourself, or your favorite member of the Rolling Stones (or you can guess mine) or just a little something. I'm curious, ya see! That's why they call me whiskers...