May 03, 2007 13:53
Did a pretty craptastic job on Paper #2...well actually I did a pretty decent job on Paper #2 if writing a concise intro and conclusion/communicating coherently and citing appropriately in MY section can be considered not craptastic. I could not get in the mood to edit the incompetency out of the lacrosse player or the foreign national's respective sections and now the 8-10 page paper is uh like 17 pages and a lot of it is some poorly cited bullshit without a unifying theme. Frankly it's probably a C+ paper at best...I guess I'm just hoping my prof. will not punish me because of the little-known fact that graduating Econ majors apparently don't have to know how to insert a fucking footnote in Microsoft Word. It's a really good thing these people go to college for four years, let me tell you.
Aaaand I have a pretty shitty feeling about Paper #3 which is essentially going to be ten pages on all the uh, highly sophisticated policy processes ocurring during an SGA meeting I attended like a month ago and have forgotten all about since then. Yeah. In terms of where I mentally stand right now, it's Tuesday May 8th and I'm wasted beyond recognition.
I was going to look sexy as hell to give the Geology exam tonight but then I ate like 14 pieces of pizza in total yesterday and it's gross outside and I'm kinda mindfucked from my shitty paper about Canadian resource peripheries and I am feeling mucho not sexy. I imagine if I spent some time to improve that situation a bit I might actually get motivated to go work (or begin, whatever) my 20 page Twain paper.
Ok. I'm going to shower and go find something reasonably attractive. I need to start swimming again.