Nov 16, 2009 19:15
i'm thinking this will be a really good month for us.
it means so much to me that you become acclimated to my family. i know that it's just as important to them as it is me--especially when mom talks to them about me moving in with you sometime next year. i may be 23 [almost] but i am still their baby.
seeing as how this is really the best time of year for anyone with a busy schedule--why not right? New Year's Eve is exciting. the beginning of a new year that i [potentially] have the privilege of kicking off (hitting the ground running) with someone i care about as much as you.
this is going to be our year--think about it. you have your internship and your abroad program, and i have my progress, persistence, and assumed potential in a program i've FINALLY decided upon. this is also the rest of MY life. come august, we could be living together.
it's a big year.
i realize that i see a lot of these things in a slightly different perspective than you--this is just why, i think, this month is so important to me.
all of that jazz aside, i hope you can see that i am making changes in ways that i've had trouble before. i feel happier on a daily basis as a result of it even. it's hard for me to just let go of everything and submit to the unknown--there is still plenty to go, don't get me wrong, but even in this week i have made an active and aggressive attempt to rid myself of certain things i've long since needed to.
hrmm. this feels funny. i haven't really been very open in here for a while. this isn't really anything serious anyway just felt like i had to finalize my thoughts on paper so that i could be sure i knew what it was i was trying to say on the phone.
i guess that's why i like this thing. when i need it, i need it--and tonight my brain got away from me.
so here it is Matt! THAT'S what you meant to say! haha, at least the top part. the rest is more for me.
i have more too--ooooooh yes i have more, but too much back and forth makes me dizzy. so here's to not falling asleep with the spins!
--too early for bed--i'll have to look into what i'll be doing at IADT tomorrow morning and prep a shopping list for my art supplies ^_^
ahh, so geeked i could poop!