[The communicator hits the ground, video switching on with lines of interference as well as static in the audio, although the picture is clear enough to see the gist of what is going on. The communicator seems to be sideways, and Wolfwood's legs can be seen farther down the hall, as well as Walter's beyond him. The general grotesque look of the apartments can be seen as well. The revving of a chainsaw can be heard, the machine dipping briefly into view of the camera before raising again. Gunshots follow, and the video goes snowy for a moment. When it comes back into view, they're much closer to the camera. The sound of the chainsaw tearing into flesh can be heard, followed by a brief spray of blood onto the floor. Wolfwood stumbles back a few steps.]
[Gunshots before there is a sudden flurry of movement, and when it stops, Wolfwood is suddenly standing alone.]
....Where did he-
[Wolfwood turns suddenly at another buzz from the chainsaw, and this time the sound is thicker as it cuts through flesh and bone, Wolfwood's screams accompanying it. Blood pours onto the floor and his gun drops into view of the camera, his legs collapsing beneath him, but his upper half lands close to the camera on his back, trailing organs where it has been sawed off from the rest of his body. The view is stained partially red by a splatter of blood. Walter blocks the view a moment later, his hand moving as he carves 18121 into what's left of his stomach. He then stands and leaves the view of the camera. Everything is still for a moment before there is a whimper and Wolfwood coughs, blood dripping from his mouth. From down the hall, Kadaj and Shinji come running, their legs coming into view as the transmission cuts.]