Aug 04, 2006 09:02
FACTS about me:
I only pulled one all-nighter in my entire college & grad school career (actually, zero in grad school one in undergrad.
for some reason I look really good in white (but have decided that if I were to get married (unlikely) I'd probably want to get married in a 40s styled tailored grey dress/suit thing. with a hat)).
I am often very gullible.
I wanted to be an optometrist when I was in elementary school.
I have never yet been stung by a bee or a yellowjacket.
My favorite baskin-robbins flavor is and always has been daquiri ice.
I will usually choose the right side of the bus for sitting (my left side when boarding).
I think I say UMbrella and not umBRELLA but am not sure.
I have vestigal elf-bumps on my ears.
Now I feel calmer.