Mar 13, 2009 19:30
I've just updated my manga lists, and Nodame is up! Finally. First, a bit of commentary on my two favourite mangas of all time.
Bleach 349: I was expecting Orihime to power-up and save the day or something, given that Ichigo's in no state to fight and that Ishida is much weaker than Ulqiorra. She needs some development for god's sake, and she has freaking GODLY POWERS.
Unfortunately all she did was "Kurosaki, Kurosaki help me Kurosaki!! GYARGH What should I do Kurosakehhh D8 T^T" and I was terribly annoyed. Forgive me, but she seems to be quite useless.
Although the part about Ichigo growing longer hair is kinda interesting and... warped. Hollowfication, I would say. Then he'll pwn or something and Orihime will still be her old useless self. And there was talk everywhere that she was going to get major development, like a leading lady (God forbid, RUKIA is the real one) and all that.
Anyway, Bleach is going to get interesting--I hope.
Naruto 438: Naruto was in the "What should I do?!" kind of phase too. But he's been very courageous so far, and Pain is a FREAK. Freakier than Ulqiorra, at any rate.
And Naruto almost went to something very stupid, but luckily there's good old Dad in his subconscious. Finally there's some kind of confirmation that Namikaze Minato is Naruto's old man. My cousin was all "Minato's a girls' name and all." Bullshit! D8<
Pain is way too EVIL. Naruto, I root for you! ... Speaking of Root, what're they doing now? I hope Kishimoto gives some updates on it. It'll be interesting--although it's not like Naruto isn't interesting right now. :)
Yuuhi pictures later. We used some very amateurish lighting this time. A torchlight. Well.