In the midst of all that's happened, I forgot to post proper pictures of Sophie's new faceup!!! It was a blast commissioning Nomyens. It did take quite a while to get done but I was in no hurry and besides, the more time taken the better because no one wants a rush job! I'm really happy about how it turned out. I think my work on Sophie is mostly done in terms of customization.
Now here for the pictures... This one is a WIP pic Nomyens sent me for confirmation, and comes the closest to the
actual colour of the faceup. <33333
The pics Nomyens posted on her Flickr are more detailed, but she uses white lighting so the faceup looks different from real life (the lights in my house are mostly yellow). This post is mainly private cos these were taken from Flickr without permission and cropped (because there was another doll in the photo). But I'm using them only for private purposes and only a few people have access to this so.