What even

Sep 20, 2013 02:11

This is altogether random and rambly, but... I can't believe I'm getting an F-26. It's still a bit hazy and unrealistic to me right now.

I realised not a lot of people in the dollie-dom have this sculpt, despite Volks claiming on their website that the F-26 has been wildly popular both as a boy and as a girl. The bulk of the F-26 owners come from Japan, and most of them don't post much pictures on their blogs (sadly). Most have Volks defaults or one-off faceups. Maybe the appeal of the sculpt is a bit of a Japanese thing, or perhaps all this is due to it being Sato-only. Bit disappointing for me because I have such a sad and small collection of F-26 pictures in my folder. >: But all the pictures are absolutely fantastic which at least makes for some comfort.

I'm not normally against modding (you can do what you want with your personal property and all that), but I'm rather bemused (note, I'm only bemused, not outraged or angry) by the fact that some F-26 owners actually mod their F-26s such that the eyes are bigger and rounder in shape. Mostly because I think the whole appeal and uniqueness of the F-26 lies in the shape of her eyes. I'm not well-versed in the array of sculpts out there but I've rarely seen such narrowed, curved eyes. And they're really beautiful and special. The modded F-26s don't have the distinctive F-26 eyes anymore. I always think maybe such owners should have bought another sculpt with round eyes instead, since they have got rid of most of what makes their F-26 an F-26.

Maybe I'm just drawn to the unique. I don't like to follow defaults (if there is a "set", you bet your ass I will mix things up from different sets and some shit). And that carries over to how I like my dolls to be. While most Borys out there are Bory boys, I've got a nerdy Bory girl. The most ground-breaking Soom fantasy doll (the Unicenta) has been normalised in my crew to a mere (sub)human in the form of Ginny. I'm drawn to weird sculpts like F-26. I like moles and birthmarks and that sort of funny thing. I like frizzy big hair more than shiny, silky-smooth hair.

In pre-emptive defense of myself, I have to say that I'm no hipster. I don't dislike things merely because lots of other people like them. In fact, I subscribe to several mainstream-y clichéd things myself. Dark-haired, brooding, Williams twins? Yeah. Switch sculpts? Yeah, all guys. Fluffy dresses and curly wigs? Of course, bring them on. Indiscriminate spending nope nope nope *in denial*

What am I trying to say? I think it is perfectly ok to be different. To like different things, to do different things, etc. But at the same time it's also ok not to be different. There is no need to obsess over whether to be different or not. That would be a kind of meta-liking - liking a thing based on whether the thing is liked. You'd be distanced from the actual process of liking. The best thing to do is just to like what you like. Sit back and enjoy the hobby.

My dream is to one day re-define the notion of cool. I want to make "cool" into the stuff of "weird", if that even makes sense. To create a world where owning 10+ dolls would not be creepy or odd in any way, but would just be the same as owning 10+ pairs of shoes (yeah, so annoying when some popular twat can say that he owns like 20 pairs of sneakers and not get shit for that, while the very notion of a doll sends people into "ew Chucky" mode, even when there's only 1 doll around). To eradicate judgmental people who say that doll-collecting is creepy and a sign of wanting children (wtf I hate children for god's sake only select children are actually in my good graces you peasant) and who say that it's weird for a girl to watch Game of Thrones (GoT is excellent for girls ok look at Daenerys and her epic badassery). Maybe it's more accurate to say that I want to disabuse all preconceived notions of what is "cool" and replace "cool" with a kind of void where nothing is particularly cooler than anything else (like sneakers are not cooler than dolls ok) but at the same time everything can be cool (dolls can be cool, cosplay can be cool, geekery in general is the stuff of cool, etc).

I might be making some headway into this. My crochet hobby is known to some people and mostly it's met with reactions of "wow cool" and "omg cute stuff", instead of the typical "meh grandma". Sadly this was not the case for my Game of Thrones obsession, as hinted at earlier, but said person is not someone I even talk to anymore so I've kinda thrown her reaction into the Stupid Junk folder of my mind. But that is not to say I have forgiven and forgotten. I think I just need - or we all just need - the courage to just slap the shitty high heavens out of judgmental people, instead of just avoiding/ignoring/placating them. One small slap for Chuo, one big slap for Chuokind.


bjd, random-musings, viola, d.ouls

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