Sherlock. <3

Jul 14, 2012 17:05


Because I totally am into BBC Sherlock right now.

Why do they air it at freaking 11pm of all times? If not for that I would totally re-watch it on the telly. This is coming from someone who re-watched The Dark Knight seven times (OMG don't get me started on The Dark Knight Rises), so it's not shocking at all. At all.

I have to get the box set with all the extras and stuff (I hope they have bloopers and stuff? Or maybe even include the unaired pilot?). Though I have to wait for Dad to get home to approve of the transaction (actually, I don't think he will mind all that much, he's a great fan of the Sherlock Holmes books, I'm sure he will love BBC Sherlock).

OK, so Reichenbach. Theories! I was thinking that maybe Sherlock had a magnetic suit underneath his clothes. You know, like the one Agent Brandt (I love this guy!) used in Ghost Protocol.

Or maybe they didn't even use a suit. Too expensive. Only IMF has enough money to acquire one. Perhaps Sherlock just strapped a few powerful (but flat!) magnets to his body.

And the area underneath the ground he landed on could possibly be part of the basement level of St. Bart's. Molly could be there, controlling the suit with an electromagnet. There probably are security cameras on the roof and sides of the hospital, so she could see Sherlock's movements from there and know exactly when to operate the magnets.

So Sherlock will fall for real, and at the last second Molly will "catch" him using the magnets (like how Benji caught Brandt), then let him fall a teensy distance to the ground (perhaps the last 20 centimetres or so), to make him genuinely bleed (or maybe he used packets of fake blood, as many have suggested). And this last moment wasn't seen by John, because of the building blocking his view.

And why did Sherlock spread his arms before jumping (though it seems a totally unnecessary move)? Because those are his wings, dearies. And he can fly No. Maximum exposure of his magnets to the electromagnet, maybe?

And Sherlock would make his heartbeat stop using the little ball everyone's been speculating about. And a special paramedics team that had been prepared beforehand would gather around the body and cart it away, before John/other passer-bys can look at the body for more than a few seconds. John, of course, was also delayed from approaching the body by the cyclist (part of the Homeless Network?). And prevented from feeling Sherlock's heartbeat from his neck because one of the paramedics (who was probably in on the plan) kept his hand on Sherlock's neck throughout.

And how did Sherlock keep his eyes open throughout and not blink? Perhaps, you know, Molly did make him fall the last 20 centimetres and he's honestly knocked out. A helper of his disguised as a paramedic could have slipped the ball under Sherlock's arm to fake the stopped heartbeat thing. And some of the blood on his face is really Sherlock's own. Notice how, even though he fell flat on his face (judging from the way he jumped), most of the blood is from the back of the head. Easier to hide blood packets to in his curly hair rather than on his face! XD

All this was possible because Sherlock, not Moriarty, arranged the time and place. The view of his jump could be obscured by infrastructure and his helpers, and the time chosen could be one where there was less human traffic (and hence less witnesses). The rest is quite clear - Molly replaced Sherlock's living body with a dead one from the mortuary, and it was buried for good, and Sherlock escaped alive.

Molly is such a good and loyal friend and I'm glad Sherlock thinks that she "counts". And the best of friends is John, who never stopped believing in Sherlock.

I, for one, believe that Sherlock did cry for real when he was on the rooftop saying goodbye to John (NOOOOO ;A;). His reputation destroyed, the fact that he had to leave his friends, possibly forever? He cried for real.

And why did the little girl scream at Sherlock? I don't think the kidnapper used masks (Moriarty is a smarter guy than that). It was at night when they were taken, the factory was dim - the kidnapper didn't really have to look like Sherlock. Just needed to be about the same height, curly hair, and maybe the same kind of clothes. His shadow would look awfully like Sherlock's. I'm sure the image of his shadow is burned into the children's brains.

So that's what I have to say about Reichenbach. And of course - can't wait for SERIES THREE.



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